Designer’s notes
This is my all black kitchen!
Comments (20)

Since your apartment is small I might finish it. I had the cancel others so you are lucky! I am trying not to rush but this is my last weeks on planner due to summer and all. I am only on layout, I am going to work had tonight.
2021-05-18 22:53:28

Ok! Why is this your last week?
2021-05-19 00:28:22

I am going places this summer, baby planning and just taking a break! I dont know if I will finish your house but I am trying!
2021-05-20 13:31:16

Ok. That's fine. Life can be busy. I probably wont be on here as much as well. My Grandparents are coming in 2 weeks and I have lots of stuff for my braces and just stuff. I will not post many projects cause of that stuff.
2021-05-20 15:17:51

Cool! And yes I will still post it but it might not be fully done!
2021-05-20 15:43:19

2021-05-20 17:10:47

Hi! I just want to know what you want for your house because I am starting!
2021-05-20 22:47:50

me? I thought I told you..
2021-05-20 22:56:42

And the house I want is... I would like a larger house with the color scheme mostly being white and other soft, light, airy colors. I would like there to be 5 bedrooms. bedroom number one will be a master for a Mom and Dad. The next room will be a room for 2 teenage boys. one is 16 and likes coding and computer stuff and the other is 17 and likes tanks and rocket league. The next room will be for 2 girls. one is 15 and likes horses and makeup and the other (Me) is 11 and likes purple and interior designing. I would like if... wait can you make one room for the 15 year old girl and then a different room for me? The next room is for 2 best friends. One is 6 and is a boy. He likes cars and his fav color is green. The other person is a 10 year old girls. She likes pink, glitter, yellow, and Harry Potter. We also have a dog. She is little and black and white.
2021-05-20 23:01:19

And I forgot. The kitchen needs to be kind of big and the living space needs to be able to fit at least 20 people. I thin that is all....... Wait! The garage needs a workout space. And a desk for the one with horses and for the dad. Tell me if I am missing anything. Bye!
2021-05-20 23:04:07

Also here is a link to what are real life house look's like for inspiration.
2021-05-20 23:06:00

2021-05-20 23:06:03

2021-05-20 23:07:20

I am super excite to see it finished!!!
2021-05-20 23:09:06

typo. I meant excited
2021-05-20 23:09:16

I have a list yours is the first on the list and then 6 other people
2021-05-20 23:10:13

Hello! I am leaving planner 5d for a few weeks starting on may 29th and I leave on may 31st on my summer vacation with my family to go see my cousins and aunt and uncle and I am leaving planner on the 29th because I have tons of packing to do and I have to help out a ton on getting everything together for my trip so yeah I just wanted to tell you so you know what is going on!
2021-05-21 02:51:55

Ok! I will miss you! Have lots of fun!
2021-05-21 15:04:06

Hi!! So I am making a neighborhood with cookie cutter houses and the layouts are the same and the exterior so I was thinking I have 3 people pretend buying one of the houses and I am renovating them because they are all the same and they need there own style in the inside so maybe you could pretend buy one of the houses and then tell me what you want the style to be and which bedroom is what and there is 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and one is a half bath on the first floor and there is one bathroom on the second floor
2021-05-24 20:11:20

Ummmm......... no clue what that means but sure?.......
2021-05-25 18:38:36
