Comments (6)

Mollie MNL
that looks awsome send me the link please send me it as i am an intirior designer for the aaukhe:american and uk houseing association so thankyou as we have verees of ceeberiys who buy these sort of house you would maybey get $13,000 but theres only a 18% change of that so well done you have created a fantastic house pleasesend me the link thankyou your sincerly MNL AAUKHE
2014-09-01 20:49:40

Michelle Silva
Look I am not professional in this area, this application'm just an amateur who appreciates modern architecture. I'll send you the link of the complete project, feel free to use it.https://planner5d.com/gallery/view/?key=fa3f2c5391515601152ebc8f568c7c54#.VATgM_ldXFk
2014-09-01 21:08:56

josue Parrales Murillo
wow este lugar si es hermoso si pudiera darte un honor lo haria es lindo desearia tener un poco mas de ingenia¿o pero de algo se aprende te doy grax por que tus proyecto inspiran michelle
2014-09-02 01:07:38

Michelle Silva
Gracias Puma.
2014-09-02 01:20:53

perla veleta
Hola disculpa como pones el techo!? :D
2014-09-04 21:58:35

How do you make incline walls??
2014-11-20 15:24:20
