Comments (5)

It's a nice house, but there is a chaos of doors!
2014-06-07 13:30:30

AnGel Canales
Está Bacán!! solo que la puertita del tragaluz le pondría una puerta de vidrio corrediza, así no habría choque de puertas además entraría la luz, :)
2014-06-08 20:47:18

Yohann Gras
It's my real house ! Doors are built like so. Of course, they're not all opened at the time :)
But yes, it's a chaos of doors ! (really like the expression :D )
2014-06-13 10:46:27

Yohann Gras
No comprendo muy bien lo que dices (perdone mi espanol ^^), pero como le hé ditcho a Istanbul, es mi "real house" :)
2014-06-13 10:48:23

Oh! You have a house like this? Maybe you enjoy living there, because you have beautiful spaces to stay! About the doors, you are right, because they aren't all opened in the same time.
2014-06-14 20:39:13
