Comments (11)

josue Parrales Murillo
2014-03-01 00:27:26

Gabi Guiotti
is awesome :)
2014-03-01 01:58:37

Micaela Maccaferri
Thanks a lot
2014-03-01 07:45:07

Micaela Maccaferri
Thank you to everybody!!
2014-03-01 07:46:45

paraskeyh skorda
2014-03-02 03:45:01

Gabriel Reis
2014-03-02 19:16:15

Micaela Maccaferri
Grazie mille
2014-03-02 19:37:42

Two questions: 1. How was the tile on the wall done? 2. How was the wooden floor above the kitchen created?
2014-03-04 01:33:38

Oh and I love it.
2014-03-04 01:33:48

Micaela Maccaferri
1) I made the tiles with the picture without frame and loding new picture from internet. If you click on in my projec, put it in your "prefer" and transfer it on your project, you can see how is it.
2) The floor is a new text available if tou are the full version (pay version :-))
I hope that my help is sufficient
2014-03-04 13:47:21

Micaela Maccaferri
Thanks a lot!
2014-03-04 13:47:39
