Designer’s notes
Changed the interior bulkheads and exterior landscaping, plus added a few different views. Please don't copy my projects, change them then plagiarize as your own. If you like my roofs then build your own.
Comments (18)

10 to your comment, I would do it themselves. ;)
2013-12-03 16:43:54

Ron Kemp
2013-12-03 17:10:10

Татьяна Шадрина
Очень здорово, я в полном восторге!!!!
2013-12-04 03:51:47

Siegfried Peter
get your ranch well planned. super LG.
2013-12-04 08:14:35

Ron Kemp
2013-12-04 10:53:43

Ron Kemp
2013-12-04 10:53:59

Agung Rizki
R u sure?. 913 things here??!!?!
2013-12-05 13:17:40

Ron Kemp
Lol, are you sure you are commenting in the right place? You are referring to my Amityville Horror House - REVISED #2 project. That one has 1533 objects. "https://planner5d.com/gallery/view/?key=95691c403a4fba6ccaae5a3b09a8a9ff#.UqChqPQpLqw"
2013-12-05 15:58:40

Catalina Silva
como hiciste el techo
2013-12-07 16:38:08

El techo esta hecho con mucha paciencia y sobre todo con un utensilio del apartado utensilios de cocina. suerte
2013-12-07 17:03:13

Ron Kemp
Usé objeto #538 para hacer el techo, un sostenedor del cuchillo. Mi próximo proyecto está casi listo para subir.-(I used object #538 to do the roof, a knife holder. My next project is almost ready to upload.)-
2013-12-07 21:41:33

justine fucarino
come hai fatto a fare il tetto?
2013-12-10 20:43:09

Ron Kemp
Usé objeto #538 para hacer el techo, un sostenedor del cuchillo. (I used object #538 to do the roof, a knife holder.)
2013-12-10 23:20:53

how did you make the roof
2013-12-15 17:14:31

Ron Kemp
The roof was really difficult to do. You have to make each piece the right length, width and height then place in the right spot. I used object #538.
2013-12-16 15:02:51

Ron Kemp
It took me longer to do the roof and custom stair than anything else in the design.
2013-12-16 15:04:00

2014-02-02 18:50:35

Gary-Art Waltu
cool, what about the people you make
2020-12-11 18:47:35
