Designer’s notes
This is my dream bathroom that is black theme with touches of copper and gold! Please heart and vote on the design battle thanks!! Whoever votes and has the best comment about my design battle gets to request a restaurant or house or some place!
Comments (62)

Hello! I absolutely love it! The colors are just perfect! I think that the layout is creative and smart! I think feedback wise, I will say maybe add a little more color next time. but I think it is very....... beautiful! Will you please check out mine and comment!
2021-07-06 17:03:21

Sure thing! Thanks!
2021-07-07 00:11:39

Oh yeah sorrry, I have been very busy and my sisters birthday is coming up and I have been traveling a ton so i don’t post much anymore
2021-07-12 02:32:57

Hi, would you be able to work on my house? Thanks
2021-07-20 21:16:47

I will try hard but I am sick with a bad cold but yes I will
2021-07-22 18:08:34

I’m not making any celebrity’s houses anymore because they lie and fake to be a celebrity but they really aren’t and that means no house for Maxine
2021-07-22 18:09:38

Sure ella u can make me a small house 3 bed 2 bath Chinese boho theme but no too Chinese know what I mean
2021-07-24 13:50:06

Wait Chinese????????!!!!!! Are you sure?? I have never heard of Chinese and boho style together but I will give it a try after I finish a house
2021-07-26 19:45:39

As you said, its hard for me the commuicate on my laptop since I have a job
2021-07-31 12:26:20

I know
2021-08-03 20:16:00

Hey if you have a new email could I have it school is starting back for you and I am a teacher this year
2021-08-10 18:10:21

So could you please give me your new email or we might can maybe just talk on planner. I am a teacher and a coach this year so I am going to be busier then last year. Also if you can please answer my last email!!!,
2021-08-15 18:21:56

I think we should just be friends and not talk about anything other then designing I can’t do emailing anymore I don’t want to
2021-08-15 20:53:25

I am back school just started and I am loving it. I got my school computer as a teacher and now can talk to you on planner most of the time. I am also coach at the high school so yeah.
2021-08-17 17:20:20

Please answer when you get these!! I am pregnant!!!!
2021-08-17 23:22:30

I found the real Aly Taylor!
2021-08-22 14:06:04

Congratulations and oh who is it?
2021-08-22 22:47:36

Can we talk this evening 4:30 also read my profile! And look at the picture
2021-08-23 10:18:24

Answer on the three projects I commented on please
2021-08-23 16:11:22

2021-08-23 23:31:27

Sorry we are done talking for ever
2021-08-24 21:35:01

hey ella :) are u ok?
2021-08-27 14:07:25

i heard about the cove baby thing. I just wanted to see if you were alright :)
2021-08-27 14:08:16

wow his bathroom is rlly good :)
2021-08-27 14:09:31

I was going to share with my who I am. You made me a better person and you helped me and that was a friend and that was awesome. I lied to you and that is so so wrong. You never have to forgive or respond to me but I want you to know I so much enjoyed you. I am a real person and I faked Lila and its wrong. I am a 22 year old that's my real age, my name is Delilah Marie Edwards. I am studying nursing at California Polytechnic State University. The reason why I lied was because, I had a fiancé a year and a half ago and I was about to get married. He got sent to the grocery store from me after four hours I started getting worried. I drove and followed his tracks and there I saw fire trucks and ambulances and everything I started crying. I drove up and the police man said I am sorry but he is gone. From then on I never got up and took a break from college and then starting lying and no embracing my real self. There is no reason I should have lied and its wrong.
2021-08-27 23:23:06

Lila if this really did happen and I ma not saying I don't believe you but wouldn't that be on the news?
2021-08-28 07:39:55

I never thought of that but I never reported and never told anybody.
2021-08-28 11:11:48

Ya it’s hard to trust people and I don’t trust anyone on here because I know they lied and just remember I’m almost a teen and way more mature then you so think before you lie
2021-08-29 23:10:00

Annabella I’m ok thanks for asking.
Daniel no I’m not going to be friends with you sorry I can’t trust anyone it doesn’t matter if they are nice
2021-08-29 23:13:02

Look I am sorry and you have to understand my place and where I am coming from! I will do anything to make it up? Please?!
2021-08-30 10:57:57

hey ella :) so what was the design of the house again? i forgot lol
2021-08-30 14:26:26

Yes I want 4 bed 3 bath and I want it to be like a Victorian/ craftsman style home with old charm and old hardwood floors and one bedroom is for a toddler and ones for a 12 year old girl and one bedroom is for guest and one bedroom is for the parents and the 12 year old will have its own bathroom and the the guest will have there own bathroom and the parents and then there will be a 1 or 2 car garage and medium size backyard and you can do the rest
2021-08-30 17:44:14

Ella may I make you a house?
2021-08-30 18:02:39

No we aren’t friends anymore I don’t like when people lie to me and tell the truth months later of course you have to tell me 2 weeks before my birthday so I get to remember this on my birthday
2021-08-30 21:34:40

I know but I just asked to make you a house? Please!!
2021-08-30 22:53:05

Oh and happy birthday!!
2021-08-30 22:53:29

Hey Ella I know how u feel I had to take a break from planner over all the lies on here u can ask me anything and I will answer honestly
2021-08-31 02:16:05

Just wanted to let u know I am a real friend and am here 4 u
2021-08-31 02:16:36

2021-09-01 21:53:46

2021-09-01 22:13:56

No house for me
I don’t want to talk to you anymore I probably will leave planner 5d when my premium is over
2021-09-02 20:12:23

Oh dont leave bc of Lila Just ignore and if she keeps talikng to you just ignore it. Also I am back at school now so the house might take a while. sorry lol
2021-09-03 05:59:06

I am not trying to be mean! Please try to forgive me!!! Ella I know I did something wrong. But I will do anything to make it up!!
2021-09-03 13:15:33

I can’t Anymore, I’m taking a break from this bye and ok Annabelle you can start the house whenever you want
2021-09-03 18:57:00

Okay but stop getting mad at me.
2021-09-03 19:05:23

lila you do not get it. you lied even on your bio
2021-09-04 09:06:29

ik you are not 22 bc you are acting like and 10 year old. no offence to anyone who is ten
2021-09-04 09:06:59

lying is bad llila!
2021-09-04 09:07:09

and no one wants to have a really silly conversation about this. lets just forget and lets not keep making weird conversations like this. planner 5d is for designing
2021-09-04 09:09:17

Look I am sorry, but I am lying anymore.
2021-09-04 12:26:22

Ya so bye
2021-09-04 19:24:21

I understand you being upset, but I dont want to leave on a bad note.
2021-09-04 19:51:31

It already is on a bad note and I don’t want to be here because this is destroying my life and i can’t even have fun on here
2021-09-05 01:44:14

ok. lila, ella has asked you and told you a few times to stop talking to her. and dont talk anymore about this and what happened. ella would like to design in peace. please listen to this WISE advice thank you.
2021-09-05 07:19:48

I am also done talking about this
2021-09-05 07:20:22

also ella bc your leaving should is still do the house?
2021-09-05 08:03:54

Hey Ella, I hope you’re ok after What’s happened. I may not talk all the time bc I’m busy but I hope you’re ok
2021-09-05 19:03:20

No Annabella you can cancel the house and Mia I’m not really okay but I had my birthday a few days ago
2021-09-16 18:39:42

I love this project. Was this a design battle and then you posted it. Or is it from your imagination. Happy Birthday! Hope your Birthday was filled with joy.
2021-09-17 13:55:30

Look, I am so sorry, I know that I was wrong but I promise that I can fix it. I cant live with this burden forever, its to much to handle. Every Morning I wake up and feel bad and I really want to fix it. Please Answer This calmly.
2021-10-05 12:46:00

User 37041237
2022-02-17 21:21:44

Hello ella! I love your design and vision for this modern-industrial bathroom. I had very subtle undertones of the copper and gold, which I love. I feel the room is very spacious . I do think you could have added a bit more light to make the room feel more spacious and airy, but other than that well done! I love it. If you could please check out my design(s) and give me feedback! Thank you so much and have an amazing day!
2023-02-01 22:42:28
