Dark kitchen

Design a kitchen with a dinning area in dark tones.


Comments (10)


I really like it, though I dont love the wallpaper. I'm going to vote for you. please check out mine https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/7989/?key=315f0c81ded9fd0df80a9b65b1ac76c3

2020-06-22 23:28:23
Leslie Knope

Please vote for me! I will vote for you!

2020-06-22 23:29:42
Eliot Francisco Dominguez

Excelente proyecto, tienes talento. Votare por ti. https://planner5d.com/es/contests/detail/8018 También vota por mi, claro si te gusta. Déjame tu link en los comentarios para compartirlo. Si entras al link veras mi render.

2020-06-23 21:09:55

I think it is amazing!! I will be voting for you here is the link to mine https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/8001

2020-06-23 21:22:00
Hall Pat

Es bueno, los colores que elegiste son lindos, pero quizá si ambas paredes cortas las hubieses pintado daría mejor vista. Solo es sugerencia no busco ofender :) Por cierto te agradeceria que visitaras mi proyecto y dejaras un comentario o sugerencia ;) https://planner5d.com/es/contests/detail/7669/ Aquí el render de mi habitación: https://planner5d.com/storage/s/60794df52cb51e14889afede2880acad_3438585.jpg?v=1592834856 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/60794df52cb51e14889afede2880acad_3438586.jpg?v=1592834868 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/60794df52cb51e14889afede2880acad_3438717.jpg?v=1592838566

2020-06-23 21:44:49

Hi! I really like your project! Please check out my kitchen and leave a comment! https://planner5d.com/it/contests/detail/7837

2020-06-24 13:38:55

wow! its so good! i will definitely vote for u when voting starts, please vote for me! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/7828

2020-06-25 15:26:58

Hi! I voted for you, I hope you'll vote for me! https://planner5d.com/it/contests/detail/7837

2020-06-26 10:05:00
Hall Pat

Hola vote por tu proyecto, agradecería mucho si votaras por el mío :) https://planner5d.com/es/contests/detail/7669 Aquí un render de mi proyecto. https://planner5d.com/storage/s/60794df52cb51e14889afede2880acad_3438586.jpg?v=1592834868 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/60794df52cb51e14889afede2880acad_3438717.jpg?v=1592838566

2020-06-26 13:44:14

its rly good! i like it! i voted for u, i would appreciate it if u would vote for me! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/7828

2020-06-26 16:26:39