Country interior style

Design a Country style bathroom with a bathtub and a double washbasin.


Comments (10)


WOOOOW, este proyecto es increible, ademas la separacion del water con lo demas queda estupendo! Me gusta!

2021-01-18 15:11:01
Hall Pat

Wow! Que hermoso diseño, tiene el tema plasmado en el, además de una increíble visión para los detalles y la distribución de el mobiliario. Me encanta que tenga ese espacio privado, muy inteligente, gran trabajo. Muchas gracias por su comentario me anima mucho. :)

2021-01-18 15:18:17
User 15281715

2021-01-18 16:34:42

Wow. Wonderful design. It really is something special. You have perfectly chosen and made a rustic bathroom in a modernist design. I would like to have it so tidy at home. Very imaginative you set up the toilet and separated it from the other elements. You have also chosen a carpet that shows a special charm with its design. I love the raised bathtub where a man can really enjoy his peace. Congratulations!

2021-01-18 18:21:42
not alien


2021-01-18 21:42:29

Hi, this is fantastic, like an old mansion bath. The stone walls and floor look really great and I like the pulpit and the shelves with the colorful stuff above the bath very much.

2021-01-19 14:17:50

Замечательная работа!!!! Здесь не только текстуры и цвет гармоничны и привлекают внимание, но и эргономично в целом!! Всё создано мастерски и со вкусом. Понравилось расстановка мебели, интересны идеи с подиумом для ванны и зонирование туалета. Классно!!!! Молодец!)))) Каждый уголок, каждый квадратный метр отработан с тонкостью и вкусом. )))

2021-01-19 19:13:53
Potato chip

Thank you for your comment. Your room looks very good. I like the elevated bathtub.

2021-01-20 20:23:43
✨g r a c e✨

Super, cool country design! I really really like it:) Please check out my design by clicking on my name above:)) thx

2021-01-21 18:53:16

Рада, что нашла вашу работу в голосовании, проголосовала!)))

2021-01-21 20:13:45