Design a cozy bedroom with a fireplace and Christmas décor.
You cen see the renders here.
2020-12-28 16:40:19Hi Rita, I love your design. The fireplace looks so cozy with those chairs in perfect harmony ! There is also a reading nook. The wall color also adds to the warmth
2020-12-28 17:21:09Hello! This beautiful! I love the colors you chose to deal with! Please see mine on page 14! Happy New Year Rita! :)
2020-12-28 17:51:34Hi Rita.I love your design the color is really beutifull.Please see mine its on page 7
2020-12-29 01:23:40Hola Rita! Muy bonita habitación, es realmente hogareña y cálida, me gustó mucho la selección de color de las paredes me da una impresión sobria. Muy buen ojo a los detalles. Bonitos renders! :D
2020-12-29 15:41:45Very homey and discretely festive, as you wanted :), you accomplished your goal! I love colors and textiles, room looks like very pleasent place to be. Happy New Year to You, too! I wish you and your family good health, physical and mental, as we all need it, I think!
2020-12-29 16:30:57Привет! Как у вас стильно!!!! Замечательный цвет стен!!!!. Мне всё нравится!!!!!) Всё подобрано со вкусом ...очень приятный выбран текстиль))) Расстановка мебели интересная и декор у изголовья и каминная зона. Прекрасно!
2020-12-29 18:56:59Спасибо за комментарий!)))))) Буду искать вашу работу в голосовании!
2020-12-29 20:06:36Thanks for your nice comment. I admit i really love your design. Start from chairs, the fireplace, until wall it. i like it.
2020-12-30 00:38:17I like your design . It works very harmoniously, both in color and furniture. Nice. I wish you a nice New Year's Eve.
2020-12-30 05:43:44I love that color! The arrangement of the furniture is very nice, especially the continuation of the fireplace on the wall. Brava! Happy New Year!
2020-12-30 11:07:00Thank you for your comment. Your room looks very nice. I like the red/purple walls.
2020-12-30 17:34:13Hi Rita, thanks a lot for your comment. I like your project, it has a very warm feeling to it, and the contrast between the dark wall and the light wood furniture work really well. I wish you a happy and safe 2021!
2020-12-30 20:49:32Szia, köszönöm szépen. Nagyon hangulatos hálószobát sikerült alkotnod. A bordó színű fal a világos drapp bútorokkal tökéletes kombináció. Nagyon tetszik az éjjeli lámpa az ágy mellett és a képek színvilága is. A kandalló fölötti hópelyhek télies hangulatot árasztanak. Szívesen üldögélnék a kandalló melletti fotelben. A renderek nagyon szépen visszaadják a színeket,tökéletes lett. Neked is Boldog Új Évet! :)
2020-12-31 14:54:51This time I was offered your project early in my voting process, I mean it was listed among the first 20 pairs, so I managed to vote for you without too much suffering :)!
2021-01-01 10:33:32Hola Rita, finalmente pude votar por ti :D buena suerte.
2021-01-01 21:06:16Szia, köszi. Végre nekem is sikerült szavaznom :))))
2021-01-02 13:33:31Thank you very much rita for your vote to me
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