Design a living room that will host a diner table and a Christmas tree. Green and red are the main interior colors.
I really like the distribution of spaces that you made, and it's very cozy, would you take a look at mine, pag 22
2020-12-21 19:03:35I like where you put the furniture, good job... Merry Christmas
2020-12-21 19:14:20it's very pretty pls check mine out at 44 merry christmas :)
2020-12-21 21:55:46Сочно, динамично! Отличное место для проведения праздника!))) Необычный дизайн с выбором ярких стен.но очень понравилось распределение мебели и декора!!!!))) Молодец
2020-12-22 20:44:35you definitely used up a good amount of space. I really like it!
2020-12-22 22:21:00hi everyoneeeeeee (eventhough you will not see this comment because there's no notification for this comment on your acc? idk) thank you for your comment! :D idk how to design with the christmas vibes (MERRY CHRISTMAS!) but i designed it as i remembered when i watch christmas movies XD i'll go check your design and drop my vote! stay safe!
2020-12-25 05:16:43Wow, ur design is so vibrant and beautiful. It's rings in the cheer
2020-12-25 05:34:30oh hi! idk if i do it right with the christmas vibes but thanks for your comment! :D
2020-12-25 05:45:52Nice project. Very nice layout of the rooms, a selection of colors that gives a special festive look. If you want and have the time, I invite you to rate my project on p. 23. I wish you happy holidays
2020-12-26 05:26:24hi tatjana! thanks for your comment :D i'll go check your project
2020-12-27 05:10:42You got talent so you are good at it you need to keep on going with the builds
2021-01-06 13:51:30Hello @antflgk!! Thank you for the comment! Amazing work you have! I love the colors! My favorite 2 things are, 1. The color of the chair and sofa, very vintage looking! 2. The brick outside the house, also vintage! Love the vintage look!! Great work again!! :)
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