Design the interior for the kitchen and the living room, which are located in the old town. The main colors of the interior are white and brown.
:O que bonito! Es rustico pero a su vez bastante inovador en su composición. Muy interesante.
2020-11-09 17:00:41This looks great! The colours are perfect! The wooden beams are awesome! I love how you incorporated everything nicely into such a small space without making it feel cramped! My project is on page 2 if you want to come and see!
2020-11-09 17:27:38Super cool space, looks awesome! Colors, patterns and their combinations, with all those beams! May I ask how did you rotate beams to be vertical and diagonal? When it come to horizontal beams or any other objects I can rotate them only around the X axis.
2020-11-09 17:52:16Thanks to all. I will vote for you when I will be able Milica, You can rote the beam with caps and round arrow
2020-11-09 19:02:06Thanks a lot for the answer! And you don't have to vote for me, I didn't comment your work to get the vote, but because I really like it.
2020-11-09 20:06:56Cool idea. I especially like the brick kitchen hood.
2020-11-10 08:15:56wow REALLY nice check out Tatjanas. also check mine out on 24
2020-11-11 00:09:20Very nice project. I think I would feel very good in the weaving space. Well done. I invite you to view my product on p. 24
2020-11-11 02:44:55Люблю такие проекты, которые рассматриваешь до мельчайших деталей!!!))) Очень интересный проект в лофте! Привлекает внимание зонирование, сочетание цвета и текстура стен и мебели
2020-11-11 22:21:34I love it
2020-11-13 14:47:57Hi, this is amazing, I like the textures very much! The shelves look very good too. I love the atmosphere of the whole apartment.
2020-11-13 17:38:26perrrrfeectt !!!!!!!!!!
2020-11-14 14:35:32an old town classic home as it should be, loving every thing about this design starting from the arrangement of furniture up to the color scheme and the sophisticated use of textures ! I voted for u , would u mind voting for me too ? thanks :)
2020-11-14 14:35:57Hi @Moonface, voted for your project!
2020-11-14 18:40:27Hi! Wow! It's amazing. The layout is very imaginative. I like it and I voted.
2020-11-15 14:02:28i'm 18 and i love it i think it's nice and please look at my house it's on page 20 thanks
2020-11-15 19:24:52Hola Moonface, lamento molestarlo, la verdad es que hace poco subí un proyecto personal y me gustaría mucho saber su opinión o si tiene alguna sugerencia con la que pueda mejorar, claro que solo si usted lo desea, no se sienta comprometido o forzado por favor. Espero no molestarlo con esto. Cuídese mucho.
2020-12-28 23:11:48Ciao Hall Pat. No hay problema, pero ¿dónde está tu proyecto? ¿Está en la galería o es la nueva competencia? (¿qué página?)
2020-12-29 10:06:12Muchas gracias por responderme, aquí le dejo el link de el proyecto :)
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