Two bedroom for sisters

Design two bedrooms for sisters. One bedroom with the main green color, the other - yellow.

Diana Díaz

Comments (8)

Hall Pat

Que bonito, cada habitación tiene su esencia :)

2020-10-20 23:45:48
Diana Díaz

Sí, traté de hacer algo distinto en cada una pero que se unificaran de cierto modo. :)

2020-10-21 14:42:07

Hi, great design! I love the curtains in the green room, but I'd choose both as my bedroom. I voted, Good luck!

2020-10-23 12:57:54
Diana Díaz


2020-10-23 15:49:32

hi, thanks for checking my project for this round. Hope you enjoyed it. i love your design. the green and the middle room is very comfortable to see. and beautifully decorated. I voted for you and good luck. please visit my project again and please vote for me too.

2020-10-23 18:12:13
Hall Pat

Hola Diana! Volví para dejar mi voto buena suerte :)

2020-10-24 20:58:42
Diana Díaz

Gracias por tus comentarios Anber, iré a checar tu proyecto!

2020-10-25 02:45:43
Diana Díaz

Hola Hall Pat, muchas gracias, igual ya voté por tu proyecto!

2020-10-25 02:46:18