Classic bedroom

Design a classic style bedroom


Comments (1)


Just something I want to say to all the girls our there!, You see there are two sides to girls, you have the really happy side who loves her friend, always finds the positive and just seems so joyful she dances as if no one is watching she can sing and perform she never misses a beat and she always just seems so well put together. You watch her and think wow she must have such a great life she is so happy she laughs as if she doesn't have a care in the world and everyone just thinks she's just so perfect but then you this other side to a girl this is the side that Satan loves to pick on its her anxious side its her insecure side it's her fearful side, its the side of her that can't let go or understand why that person left, why this person lied why this person changed their mind, why that person made up that rumor about them. Its the side that needs love the most but can't accept it, she cant see why god of such power and love would choose her, but god made every part of us and the hurt side of you is the str

2021-06-14 19:03:04