Design a bedroom with a bathroom. The main colors are white and gold.
Heyy i really like yours!! i love how you placed the bed!
2020-09-30 21:00:39I like your design! great job. I love the division of your bed room. if you mind visiting my design on page 38!
2020-10-01 00:12:38thank you!
2020-10-01 00:12:49God bless
2020-10-01 00:13:29thank you! ill check urs out LUDIKO
2020-10-01 12:33:11hi really like how you put the curtain with the bookshelf for the entrance to the bedroom and i have a question why are they 2 toilets on the bathroom if you want to check my design it is on page 21 or 22
2020-10-01 18:43:14nice layout, and colors, I think it would look even better if you added in some sort of wallpaper, but it looks great. check mine out if you'd like and Good Luck!!
2020-10-01 19:24:46you have my vote! mine on page 38
2020-10-02 00:21:49I like your design, especially if it was my home space. What do you thik abouth mine?
2020-10-02 07:10:37Hey Chani!! I've voted for yours! I really like the bed and floor lamps next to it!! check my project out on page 55 and vote if you like it!!
2020-10-02 08:02:01thank you everyone! what page r u on, Elle.xo and Tatjana Krapše?
2020-10-02 12:29:09Hola Chani, buen trabajo es elegante y bien distribuido. Tienes mi voto, agradecería si me dieras tu opinión en mi proyecto en la página 4 (si no quieres está bien no te sientas precionado :)) Buena suerte.
2020-10-02 14:29:19hi Chani ty for your comment on my design i already voted yours
2020-10-02 18:50:43Your design is beautiful! You kept the perfect balance between white and gold and even incorporated silver, which looks great! You get my vote! I would be really happy if you took the time to visit my design! :)
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