Design a small apartment with the main spaces: kitchen, living room , bedroom and bathroom. The brick wall can not be changed.
Muy bonita combinación de colores. Ame la barra que hiciste con los escritorios. Gracias por tu comentario ☺️
2020-09-21 04:46:29Thanks Hall Pat
2020-09-21 04:50:49thanks for your comment and you did really well on your apartment with the green and orange blend
2020-09-21 05:17:59yes lol with a small apartment storage is very vital. and your apartment has numerous storage spaces.
2020-09-21 05:25:06Thanks for your comment, I love yourss. Love the color theme and the layout. I think you did really nice ^_^
2020-09-21 05:52:14Thank you all
2020-09-21 05:59:49i like the overall brown and green color theme. The cupboard gives the bedroom the needed privacy. Also love the overall placement of the furniture Do check mine on pg 4
2020-09-21 11:07:20hi. thank you for your nice comment. i love the color you chose!fantastic. you are an amazing designer. thanks!:)
2020-09-21 11:12:15Thank you for your comment. Your room looks great. I like the green and orange colors.
2020-09-21 16:14:41I love your colors. I have seen a lot of light designs but yours definetly catches the eye. You did amazing!
2020-09-21 16:51:27Thank you all.
2020-09-21 18:49:40Hey! I think the colors are striking its gr8! Check mine out on the top of page #12 and leave your comment and vote! Thanks!
2020-09-21 21:21:57Thank you
2020-09-21 23:18:43I like how warm it looks and the way the brown ties in with the brown-reddish bricks. ;)
2020-09-21 23:45:46thx
2020-09-21 23:48:19Sorry, maybe you dindn´t think about stole nothing, but, did you copy my yesterday reponse to a comment and some items from my desing? im a little upset and i encourage you to try by your own, it´s no easy but you also have good ideas and lot of creativity.
2020-09-22 06:56:51very nice well done I vote u when voting starts !!!
2020-09-22 20:34:30no problem, i didn't think that you copied everything, but at first sight i have found so many coincidences, ENTRY: the hanger in the same spot. Difference: 1 because of the refrigerator. KITCHEN: the colors of the kitchen (mint, wood, some black and some silver) with the fruits in the same place. Difference: changed the place. DININGROOM: desks as a kitchen´s table in the same place just reflected. a plant in the middle in that way. Difference: the chairs LIVINGROOM: table-shelves, working in the same visual line but mine in the opposite side of the invisible corridor to the bedroom. armchair, that also limits that line but in mine just from begining. same style armchair sofa with the same table on the same side. 1 big picture Difference: the place is different and no table in the center. DECORATION: 2 pictures in the walls, but in yours with the bee´s panels. STORAGE: the wardrobe creating a corridor with visual lines. RELAX ZONE: with the same chair in the same side next to the wardrobe in the sa
2020-09-23 12:23:41Hi , i really like the color scheme you went with it makes the apartment feel cozy and warm . i love it . If you don't mind plz check out my design on page 42 , i would really appreciate it.
2020-09-23 21:55:30Votado, buena suerte :)
2020-09-25 00:52:34Hi, i'll like you design if you like my design! Plz and thank you. I'm just new at this.
2020-09-25 07:37:12Lovely combination of colours. I also like the way you have used the cupboard to divide the bedroom from the living room - well done, you have my vote
2020-09-25 15:42:33hi . i really love your project. fantastic! i love the way you arranged the sofa and everything. i already voted for your project. please vote for me on page 1. thanks!
2020-09-25 18:38:49Votedd ^_^
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