Pastel room

Design a kitchen with a dining area and a living room. The interior should be in pastel colors


Comments (12)

Hall Pat

Bonito diseño, me llama mucho la atención la pequeña área de descanso con las dos butacas, buen trabajo sigue así! Votado (sin compromiso)

2020-09-18 18:06:12

Спасибо большое за оценку, мне почему то очень важно твоё мнение!)))))) А ты ,как всегда, на высоте!))) Мне приятно видеть твои работы.

2020-09-18 19:20:20
Hall Pat

Gracias por eso

2020-09-18 19:39:16
Hall Pat

Mi comentario está cortado, lo siento. Decía que me alegra que mi opinión sea importante para ti, y que si me podías explicar mejor sobre lo de el podio en el comentario de mi proyecto. Gracias u disculpa mi ignorancia. Mucha suerte. (Tu opinión también es importante para mí)

2020-09-19 01:41:46

Thank you for commenting and voting. This looks very nice. I would suggest a different floor, but that's all. Other than that, it's amazing. I like the walls. Good job. Voted!

2020-09-19 05:34:32
Milica G.

I like a lot how you arranged the home, looks so pleasant to live in. I have voted, good luck!

2020-09-19 05:37:19

Спасибо большое за комментарии и голоса!)))

2020-09-19 07:22:45

Спасибо за комментарий, я тоже за вас голосовал. Мне особенно нравится стена столовой :)

2020-09-19 13:32:52
Potato chip

Thank you for your comment and for the vote. Your room looks very pleasant. I like the way you decorated the living room. I voted for you too.

2020-09-19 23:18:07
King Nessie

Thanks for commenting on mine. The green wall in the kitchen looks good. We can all learn from each other.

2020-09-20 00:04:42
Elena Z

Nice project, really good job with the mirrors. Voted

2020-09-20 18:52:25


2020-09-21 04:11:01