Design a kitchen and living room in the Penthouse.
hi, i like the design a lot. the colours are nice, the layout is good and all the decor is a nice touch. well done and good luck. please see mine.
2021-04-06 15:16:32Привет. Мне очень нравится деревянные панели и стеллаж, разделяющий зоны. Цвета выбраны приятные вовра и текстиля. Молодец!)))
2021-04-06 21:27:50Very interesting organization of space. I like the partition shelf that separates both parts of the space. Nice product.
2021-04-07 14:15:04Thanks a lot The Genius Of Design
2021-04-08 03:27:34Thanks a lot Ольга
2021-04-08 03:27:49Thanks a lot Tatjana
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