Hotel room

Design a hotel room: bedroom with a bathroom. The main color of the interior is brown.

k i t﹒k a t

Comments (11)

User 9424078

2020-08-10 16:37:42
Anonymous =)

yes, I agree! (about the premium) I feel like the premium is a bit unfair. but at least we get to design! P.S both of yours are great, i will vote for yours when the voting:>

2020-08-10 18:51:57
k i t﹒k a t

yes, I agree that it's unfair about the premium.

2020-08-10 19:55:33
Hall Pat

Es agradable, creo que lo que mas me agrada es el área de la cama con las mesas de noche, son elegantes :) te agradecería si visitaras mi diseño en las página 2 tampoco cambie los colores, pero espero que te guste

2020-08-10 20:02:21
k i t﹒k a t

@Hall Pat, No Español, sorry. :(

2020-08-10 20:39:32
User 9424078

2020-08-14 00:17:35
Victória Scorpioni

It's cozy and relaxing. I only would change a few colors of the walls. But I like everything else. Congrats! I voted for you. Please check my project in page 29. I hope you like it.

2020-08-14 14:29:14
k i t﹒k a t

Thanks guys :)

2020-08-15 20:47:51

i voted for your project it was really simple and pretty. please vote for me on page 1, row 3, last person to the right

2020-08-15 22:24:48

Very nice!! Great design!!! Voted for you! Check out mine and vote if you like!

2020-08-15 22:49:03
k i t﹒k a t

Thanks again, guys :)

2020-08-16 02:34:28