Spring is in the air!

Design a holiday room featuring a dining table to celebrate the International Women's Day!


Comments (5)

User 20244259

i love the simplicity of the room and i like the pattern of the carpet. well done. please see mine on p.110

2021-03-08 18:20:16

Thank you so much! I'll be sure to check your's out.

2021-03-08 23:08:27
✨g r a c e✨

this design is immaculate! excellent job, @MadMan! i love the color scheme, and i completely agree with @Dream Designs! please feel free to click on my name above and check out my design, thanks!

2021-03-09 14:43:09

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it! I'll be sure to check your's out!

2021-03-09 15:20:38

Sorry I haven't added a description yet! To celebrate International Women's Day, I chose the most inspirational woman in my life: my mom! To me, this is kind of the style that my mom uses when she is arranging rooms, and since the colors of International Women's Day are white, green, and purple, I went with a white theme and some green and purple undertones. To me, this is the beginning of spring, when it is still chilly, but the flowers are just starting to grow buds. Please tell me what you like, and what I could do better next time. Thanks, MadMan

2021-03-09 23:48:49