the warm and welcoming house 31724 by nydia feliciano image

About this project

This is something that just flew into my mind as soon as I started. I spent two days and a few hours on this(obviously i had a break). It has A Pool, A Bathroom, One Bedroom, A Seating Area, A spectacular Entrance view, A Kitchen, A Dining Room that seats four, A Garage, A Office, A Laundry room that has some shelves for storage, A Big Back Yard & Front Yard. I put a lot of my own personal touches like with the Colors, Ect... It is well furnished & Outside in the Side Yard, Front Yard, & Back yard it has some Landscaping. In the Back Yard it has nice patio furnishings. It has nice warm colors inside of the house the makes anyone feel comfortable. This home has two levels/floors. there will be more adjustments in the further future. There were intentions of a private movie theater, But i decided not to go with it because it would have not go with the intentional vision of this house. This is my story on this house, I hope you like this house, & Remember to comment and like my house. - Nydia Feliciano.

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