Purple Kid Bedroom 127583 by MichyItaly image


About this project

Hey there! I noticed that you're looking for a nice and soothing soft purple color for a young kid. That's a great choice! Here are some tips and advice that you might find helpful: - Look for colors with a blue undertone. These shades are more calming and soothing than those with a red undertone. - Consider the lighting in the room. If the room is naturally dark, you may opt for a lighter shade of purple to keep the space bright and airy. - Don't be afraid to mix and match shades of purple. Combining lighter and darker shades can create a beautiful and dynamic look. - Remember that color is subjective, so always go with what feels right to you and the young kid. I hope these tips help you find the perfect soft purple color for your young kid's space. Let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else I can do to assist you. Best, Michelle Vigliotti

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