
Create home office, with enough storage, rest zone and working zone with large table.


Comments (12)


Beautiful! you're so good! Please vote for me and I vote for you! I'm on page 11! Thank you

2020-06-09 07:25:41
Anonymous :)

This is really nice! I love it he colors and the layout. I really like how you did the colors on f the shelves above the desk. Good job! I will vote for you! Please check mine out.

2020-06-09 11:34:51
Interior Designsss

Wow! Really really nice!!!

2020-06-09 14:45:15

Hi! I really liked your office! It looks so cozy and I would love to have that as my office! I honestly wouldn’t change anything, it looks great! You’ve got my vote! Please check out mine on the bottom of page 28 and vote me if you like it! Good luck!

2020-06-11 03:18:00
Hall Pat

Es muy bueno!. Vote por ti! Espero puedas dejar un comentario en el mío y votar por el si te gusta. Lo agradecería. estoy en la página 18.

2020-06-12 03:56:43
Surya Ganesh

YOUR PROJECT IS MIND BLOWING.. I LIKE YOUR SELECTION OF COLOUR.. YOU ARE AMAZING.. IF I HAVE A CHANCE TO VOTE I WILL VOTE FOR U.. PLEASE CHECK MY PROJECT... AND YOUR CLEAR OPINION AND VOTE IT IF U LIKE..Your project is really Great.. Can I say really U have a good talent..I think U are good in creativity...Any words chat to me through my project chat..For voting you can find me in page no.9..

2020-06-12 09:27:27
Interior Designsss

I voted for you! Please vote for me! Thank you!

2020-06-12 21:51:16

i just voted for you!! please vote for me!

2020-06-13 12:28:02
Bruce Harris

I like your attitude and your design is beautiful. If it were mine I would mirror the bookshelf to the other wall and vice versa. You have got what it takes to be great designer! Keep getting better and you could have a career on your hands! You honestly earned my vote. Great job! Click to see the worst design on the site! Comment and like if genuine interest is shown.

2020-06-13 18:04:44

your project is really beautifull, i vote you and please vote me

2020-06-14 06:19:43

i love it! i also love the books i voted 4 u pls vote 4 me

2020-06-14 13:11:48

so nice! i love it! i voted for u, pls vote for me!

2020-06-14 19:18:20