Library at home

Design a living room with plenty of space for books and a place to read them.


Comments (7)


I like the description and the furniture, but the colors... FELIZ JUAGUILIN GRUPO SOY VANESA

2020-11-02 10:06:56

I love it

2020-11-05 15:40:58
Anna doggy

Hello!! I'm here to say one think: i love this project!! Is modern and confortable and relaxing...

2020-11-05 16:59:21
Anna doggy

And if you want, you can visit my project on the page 53, and i hope you like it

2020-11-05 17:00:25
Anna doggy

2020-11-05 17:00:54
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

Hi, I really like this design! I love the color scheme you chose (especially what color you picked for the walls) It is very nice and it ties the whole room together and makes it look very welcoming! I already voted for your project! please vote for me on Page 2. Thanks!

2020-11-06 00:16:38
Rizki Agustin

Voted for you

2020-11-06 06:44:01