Suprojektuokite vaiko miegamąjį, kurioje bus zona miegui ir mokslui bei vieta žaislams. Pagrindinės spalvos - pilka ir geltona.
Here are the renders from different angles:
2021-01-11 18:57:29Hi Rita, great design. I like the idea how you created a shelf area under the windows. Colours matching very well too.
2021-01-11 19:55:32Hi there :)! The room looks so harmonious, in every possible way! I love the introduction of the third color, the blue. And I also love custom made sofa bed and corner seats bellow the windows. And what to say about the layout, it is flowless and so balanced. You have found the perfect places for each of the pieces of furniture.
2021-01-11 20:29:34Wow Rita! Esto es simplemente hermoso! Me encanta lo armonioso que es todo y ese azul va de maravilla, es encantador, felicidades.
2021-01-11 20:32:49I hope you don't mind me taking some of your ideas....because yours is soo good!
2021-01-11 21:06:48WOW Rita!! I like it!! Azul y amarillo juntos quedan estupendos!
2021-01-11 22:37:28It's really amazing. Everything i like it. Cozy and neat. Good job
2021-01-12 04:22:20Hey Rita, thanks for your comments. Your design is bright and lovely. I am in love with the custom made sofa bed and corner seats near the windows :-)
2021-01-12 04:41:50Thank you for your comment. Your room looks very good. I like the toy cars.
2021-01-12 08:31:35Gracias por los comentarios, la verdad es que si que me inspire un poquito en la tuya, espero que no te moleste. ME encantan los colores que has usado y la distribución. Es precioso.
2021-01-12 17:08:37Привет! Спасибо за комментарий..))) только закончила, дела... У меня для девочки комната, а у вас прекрасная комнатка для мальчика!))))) Серый с голубым в сочетании и с жёлтым хорошо смотрится. Интересный стол для занятий, большой стеллаж для машинок))))), и удобный диван, которого в ассортименте не было)))))!))
2021-01-12 18:09:31Szia, nagyon jól sikerült. Nagyon tetszik, hogy a megadott fő színek mellett kéket is haszáltál. Az ágy nagyon jól sikerült, és a párnák is fantasztikusak. Nagyon jó ötlet az ablaknál kialakított ülő rész tárolóval.
2021-01-12 18:11:41First of all thank you for your comment on my product. Yours is downright great. Congratulations. I like the originality of the ideas (hook, desk with shelf, seating shelves under the window, in short - great. You really chose the right color combination of gray, yellow and blue. Everything fits together. Also, the placement of elements in the space - everything is right Really nice.
2021-01-13 05:23:44Only two words for this ..... "PERFECT & ADORABLE". This is just awesome. I really really really loved your design :) If you want you can check mine on pg.22 !!!! Good luck :D
2021-01-13 07:59:32WOW ! Rita , ur design is stunning ! i love all the details about it . its really spacious , neat and fun . i love how u added blues to the theme too. my favorite corner was the studying space. btw ur renders are amazing too !
2021-01-17 15:13:24thanks a lot for ur comment on my project. im sorry i couldn't reply earlier as i had a problem with the internet . have a nice day :)
2021-01-17 15:13:58Anksčiau užsiregistravote su šiais el. paštais:
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