More New Items in Planner 5D Catalog

Here are the new items in our catalog. Check them out!

More New Items in Planner 5D Catalog
New items in Planner 5D

We're constantly adding new items to our catalog to help our users create their dream homes. In addition to several decor items we've recently added to our library, we've just added a few more. Here is what they look like.

Check out the new beds, couches and stools:

We've also added new bathroom vanities:

Make any room in your house stand out with these tables, credenzas and hutches:

Add that special touch to any room with our new decor items:

Don't forget about lightning with these new ceiling lamps:

Creating an office design? Then you're going to love these:

How find new items in the catalog

To access the new items, go to the web version of Planner 5D. When you open an existing project or start a new one, you'll see a "new" button on the left-hand toolbar. Click on it to see the latest products in the library. Select your favorites and add them to your decor.

All the items are also available in related categories on all platforms. You can also view them directly in our editor. Try out our new items in your next design and share your projects with us.