5 Best Low-Maintenance Plants for Busy Lives

Upgrade your health and apartment easily with these low-maintenance houseplants.

a minimalist interior with natural materials, plants, and a green sofa
5 Best Low-Maintenance Plants for Busy Lives | New Africa/Shutterstock

Let's face it, life is hectic. Between work, errands, and social commitments, who has the time to fuss over a high-maintenance orchid? Here's the good news: a vibrant home filled with greenery is still achievable, even for those with busy lives. Enter the low-maintenance houseplant. These botanical buddies thrive with minimal effort, adding a touch of nature's beauty and a surprising amount of health benefits to your living space.

In this post, we introduce you to five low-maintenance houseplants and reveal how easy it is to add a touch of green to your home. Who knows? You might even discover a green thumb you never knew you had.

all kinds of green leaves in pots in a living room
Plants bring life to your home | Brina Blum/Unsplash

Houseplants: More than just decorations

Houseplants bring so much more to our lives than a pop of color. They act as nature's air filters, removing nasty toxins and pollutants from our indoor spaces. This means cleaner air, which can improve your breathing and overall health.

In addition, taking care of houseplants can actually be therapeutic. Nurturing these leafy friends can help reduce stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling calmer and more centered. Plus, studies show that greenery can boost your focus and concentration, making them perfect for work desks and study areas.

a woman spraying water on a potted plant, surrounded by other plants
Taking care of houseplants can be therapeutic | SeventyFour/Shutterstock

Finally, houseplants create a sense of tranquility and harmony in your home. They connect you with nature, even if you live in the heart of the city. So, it's time to think beyond decorations – houseplants are little pockets of well-being waiting to be brought into your life.

Our top 5 picks for low-maintenance houseplants

1. Aloe vera: The superhero of succulents

This wonder plant isn't just a decorative marvel with its spiky green leaves. Aloe vera is a natural soother, boasting gel with anti-inflammatory properties that can help heal minor burns and sunburns. Plus, it thrives on neglect – water it deeply every few weeks and watch it flourish, even in low light conditions. Aloe vera is a water storage champion, thanks to its plump leaves. However, that means overwatering can be its downfall. Remember, underwatering is better than overwatering when it comes to this desert dweller.

aloe veras in a pot
Aloe Vera | Jessica Lewis – thepaintedsquare/Shutterstock

2. Monstera: The statement piece without demands

Looking for a plant that makes a bold statement? Monstera, with its large, split leaves, is a tropical stunner that adds a touch of the exotic to any room. Despite its dramatic appearance, it's surprisingly forgiving. Water it only when the top inch of soil feels dry, mist its leaves occasionally to mimic its natural environment. Provide some indirect sunlight, and it'll reward you with lush, green growth.

3. Zamia: The bachelor's dream

Meet the Zamia, a virtually indestructible houseplant with glossy, dark green fronds. This champion of low maintenance requires minimal watering – only when the soil feels completely dry. Plus, it tolerates a wide range of light conditions, making it a versatile choice for any room, from your bathroom to your desk.

a potted zamia and a cat
Zamia is harmless for pets | Berna Namoglu/Shutterstock

4. The Snake Plant: The undying warrior

Practically unkillable, the Snake Plant is a desert native that thrives on neglect. Its tall, upright form adds a touch of modern elegance to your space. Water it sparingly – every few weeks or so – and it'll reward you with unwavering green foliage. Works in any light, but keep it away from direct light, and keep your pets away from it, as it’s toxic. Bonus: this air-purifying plant helps remove toxins like formaldehyde from your indoor environment.

3 potted snake plants on a table in a blue wall-room
Snake plants are loved for their beautiful leaves | Aquarius Studio/Shutterstock

5. Cacti: The dessert dweller

Cacti are the ultimate low-maintenance champions. These quirky desert dwellers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, adding a touch of whimsy to your décor. Their water storage abilities mean infrequent watering is all they need, but basically they like it dry. Plus, some varieties even bloom with beautiful flowers, adding a pop of color.

Bonus tip: Dried flowers offer a timeless elegance to any décor. Their enduring beauty adds a touch of rustic charm or bohemian flair, depending on the arrangement. Beyond aesthetics, dried flowers are a practical choice – they require no maintenance and last for months, filling your space with long-lasting color and texture.

dried flowers in a vase
Dried flowers last forever | Artem Bruk/Shutterstock


With these low-maintenance plant allies, you can cultivate a thriving indoor oasis, no matter how busy your schedule. Not only will these botanical beauties add a touch of life and style to your home, but they'll also improve air quality, boost your mood, and provide a sense of calm in the midst of your chaotic days.

african american girl spraying water on a monstera
Let's cultivate a thriving indoor oasis! | Midjourney
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