Hi Tatjana! You made the most of this space, it looks twice as bigger than it is. One could never be bored in it, so many things to do, I'd like to be a teenager with a room like this. Bunk bed looks great, little world of it's own. Great work!
2021-01-12 10:52:17Hola Tatjana, muy buen uso del espacio! Me encanta ese sofá y el que elevaras la cama, ya qué te permitió incluso agregar un tocador. Me gusta mucho la pared con decoración, ese color amarillo es realmente vibrante y luminoso. Bien echo. Muchas gracias por tu comentario :)
2021-01-12 15:26:45HI, it is great! I love the sofa and the bed and the dressing area, it is really unique. The colors are great too.
2021-01-12 17:17:09Привет! Круто! Понравилась идея системы ---мини гардеробная с туалетным столиком, круглый стеллаж для игрушек и великолепный диванчик с красивыми подушками. Всё фантазийно получилось и интереса заслуживает работа!!)
2021-01-12 18:36:18Perfect...Congratulations.
2021-01-12 20:34:19Спасибо Татьяна за тёплый комментарий!) Успешного дня!!!
2021-01-13 06:58:52Hi Tatjana! Thank you for your nice comment. Very good design. The layout is imaginative and great. A gallery bed is the perfect solution. I also really like the floor pattern.
2021-01-13 10:40:14Hi Tatjana. Thanks for your kind comments :-) I really like the seating space and floor pattern. Overall layout is also great!
2021-01-13 18:59:25Thanks for your commen.Your design is amazing too I really love the seating place and the wall behind the bed is great
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