Adria nok

评论 (15)

User 12006058

2020-12-21 17:49:29
Rizki Agustin

Thanks for your nice comment adria. I like your design especially wall behind tv is great.

2020-12-21 17:52:43
Adria nok

thanks rizki for seeing my design, lately i have become a fan of wall moldings

2020-12-21 17:58:32
Milica G.

Hi Adria :), thank you for your comment, I am happy to see your project which I find quite refreshing. I love large print on the walls and the colors your picked for it, they match perfectly with Orange tone on the floor and Dk Vine on curtains. Than you managed to make great balance with a beautiful white wall with moldings, which reminds me of those in pre-war Paris saloon apartments. Great job!

2020-12-21 19:09:06
Adria nok

Thank you milica,for paying attention to the details, it shows that you know different types of design, and again thanks for commenting, happy holidays

2020-12-21 19:19:00
Hall Pat

Hola muchas gracias por su comentario, su proyecto es muy interesante empezando por la selección de papel tapiz y las molduras, no hubiera pensado que ambas podrían combinar bien juntas, ya que uno me parece más clásico mientras el otro es más rebelde y diferente, pero sorprendente encontró el punto medio entre ambas para hacerlas funcionar. Por cierto esas molduras en la pared son preciosas. Además de eso la coordinación de colores es bastante fresca, ya que no saturan el ambiente, lo único es que me hubiera gustado ver el comedor que se indicaba en la tarea, pero fuera de eso es un trabajo muy agradable y llamativo. Felicidades.

2020-12-21 21:47:28

Nice project. If you want and have the time, I invite you to rate my project on p. 23. I wish you happy holidays

2020-12-21 22:40:11

Warm welcoming design. Wallpaper works on the two walls.

2020-12-21 23:50:10
Arabella M

Thank you so much for the comment. I really appreciate it! I really like your design, it made me feel warm inside! Awesome job!!!

2020-12-22 03:15:49
Born to be Wild

Hi Adria, thanks for your comments! Merry Christmas !! Your overall design makes it look very warm and cozy. The placement of furniture is perfect! If there was one thing i could change, i would have lightened the flooring to bring out the wallpaper design better.

2020-12-22 05:16:34
Adria nok

gracias Hall pat por comentar,y si tienes razon sobre el comedor, es solo que me enfoque en realizar un ambiente de estar familiar con tv, felices fiestas

2020-12-22 12:13:15
Adria nok

thanks for the suggestion Born to the Wild, it would have improved the design, the wood tones give warmth to this type of environment, ... especially during the winter season

2020-12-22 12:19:55
Adria nok

thanks for comment..god luck to all!!!!!

2020-12-22 12:25:05
Potato chip

Thank you for your comment. Your room looks nice. I like the way you decorated the walls.

2020-12-23 01:14:25

the way you design the wall behind the tv is so great! i really love it! looking forward for you next design!

2020-12-23 06:12:48