Hello I like your design! I am on page 3! If you have time come see mine! Stay safe and have a great holiday coming up! I also have a few renders on page If you want to see them! Thanks Wild Doggy!
2020-12-01 22:45:38Here you can see the renders: https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S4M2P/ https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S4M1V/ https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S4M1F/
2020-12-01 23:11:20Hey Elena, I took a look inside your project and that looks totally amazing! The materials, the colors, the plants: Everything is well done. I'm on page 4
2020-12-01 23:12:43Thanks to all of you! Happy you like it.
2020-12-02 07:45:53Всегда жду ваши работы профессионала!!!!!!! Кроме восхищения трудно подобрать ещё слова к вашим трудам. Всё создано с большим мастерством управлять цветом, подбирать и распределять мебель для комфортного проживания. Грамотно и в нужном месте разместить предмет...... !!!!!! Спасибо за ваше творчество!!!!
2020-12-02 09:21:03Che dire.. l'impegno con cui hai realizzato i battiscopa, le controsofittature, i profili delle pareti e tutto il resto è davvero ammirevole. Ovviamo il risultato lascia a bocca aperta
2020-12-02 11:41:50Hi Elena! I was afraid that you won't participate in the contest this time! However now you are here and as usual, you not only don't disapoint my expectations but you have exceeded them! To be honest I was not expecting this. You have used the stone in a beautiful, very creative way! It has that cottage-y feel that I really love and how you framed it with white beams it's very, very clever! I have to say that your ceiling is the best that I've seen so far during this contest. I mean, that's an accomplished, sofisticated design. I love how it brings together a classic, almost country, look with a sleek and modern design! (Continue).
2020-12-02 13:33:36An element that really blew up my mind is the small vertical "garden"!!!! What an incredible way to use plants as decoration and add color to your scheme! You are the second designer that I've seen paying that much attention to plants but you are the only one that have tried such brave and bold solution! I love the sofa, the color stands out beautifuly and those rugs add drama and dept to your desing, Using a floor that simple and neutral was the best choice at that point. You did not overkill the room. The layout is simply and very effective. I love the dining area and the cozy, cornered living room (Continue)
2020-12-02 13:39:13And then there are the three ships... ahahahah. You won't believe what I'm going to say, Elena. I did something really similar in my project!!! I used different shades of gold, silver and bronze but basically I had the same idea and you know the funny part? Is that when I had the idea I was thinking about your designs!!! It was a little omage to one of my favourite designers here!!! It goes without saying that I'm voting for you. Please, if you have the time, came and see my project at page 5. I'd really like to have your review. Godspeed Elena and BRAVA!!!!!!!!
2020-12-02 13:41:52Hi, I love your project! The room is very cozy and elegant, I love the decor, and the white divider with the plants look great. The corner set is really good, it has a fabulous color too! The armchair is in a very good place.
2020-12-02 16:24:24Realmente me dejó sin palabras, en un principio estaba preocupado ya que no lo encontraba, pero realmente valió la pena la espera. Su diseño es hermoso como de costumbre, pero sin duda su habilidad con las casillas (cubo) es increíble, obtuvo una solución muy inteligente en todo el diseño. Increíble. *.*
2020-12-02 18:25:03Wow it's spectacular, I love the dark ceiling with the stone on the walls. The layout is spectacular, and I love the arch that separates the sofa from the dining room. The fireplace looks great. The red color of the sofa, together with the different rugs, is very nice and cozy. You don't lack talent. Congratulations and good luck.
2020-12-02 18:31:37Hi Elena! Don't you worry! I'm busy myself with work, so I can really understand you. Your review is really nice and kind. I'm surprised that your consider the living room my best project after Monica's apartment. I think that the FRIEDNS contest was my favourite one too. However, good luck! I'm going to vote for you.
2020-12-03 23:18:27Elena you know I voted for you
2020-12-04 02:38:32Elena! Muchas gracias por su comentario, volví para dejar mi voto, sin ningún compromiso. Mucha suerte. Su diseño es precioso *.*
2020-12-04 04:20:29Voted
2020-12-04 04:45:29Thank you Elena for your attention and rating! I vote for you. I love your work !)
2020-12-04 07:48:33Hi Elena! My vote is yours!
2020-12-04 11:24:25Voted good lucky :D
2020-12-04 16:32:32I voted
2020-12-04 18:26:34oh Elena i love plants in this context sooooooo much ! i love the bold colored couch too as it adds a vibrant touch to ur rustic walls .well done ! u truly deserve my vote ! can u check my work and tell me what u think ? can u vote if u like it ? have a nice day :)
2020-12-04 20:04:19wow so amazing !! I wonder how much time did you spend on it. voted!!vote me on page 45 plz.
2020-12-05 09:40:36Hi Elena! WOW... it's beautiful! I like the layout, the ceiling. I love the arch with flowers. Your smoking table is unique. The red sofa lends a very elegant and modern styl. The overall efect is simply perfect. By "simple" I mean fantastic, flawless. I voted. Good luck! :))))
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