
评论 (17)


I love the gray scheme and the floor! I like your design! I am on page 3! If you have time come see mine! Stay safe and have a great holiday coming up! I also have a few renders on page If you want to see them! Thanks Wild Doggy!

2020-12-01 12:14:49

love it

2020-12-01 16:42:45

amazing i love it

2020-12-01 16:43:53

Hi, thanks for your comment. I like your design, it is almost entirely black and white but still makes the impression of more colorful. I love the floor and the textiles too.

2020-12-01 16:48:19
Olga Balanchuk

Hi Masaadl! thanks for your comment it's very nice! I love Your design and the color scheme you used. Please vote for me.! I will vote for u when voting begins.. Thanks!

2020-12-01 17:40:51

thanks Olga sure will do. thanks to everyone for finding the time to watch my design.

2020-12-01 20:08:15

İ love it too

2020-12-02 05:11:03

Thank you so much for the appreciation

2020-12-02 07:38:58

your theme and patterns are amazing !!!!! the way you arranged everything is very eye catchy ! just a small comment : maybe you couldve placed the hanging wall frames slightly further apart as to let the fire place centralized between them. other than that every thing is PERFECT !!!! can u check my work and tell me what u think ?? can u vote if u like it ? thanks and have a nice week ! :)

2020-12-02 16:00:43

2020-12-03 04:58:16
Born to be Wild

Hi, thanks a ton for your comments. The overall design is awesome. The black and white theme looks very modern and sophisticated. The layout of the furniture looks cozy and welcoming. Only i thing I would want to see some more colors - maybe the paintings could have been colorful . But thats just my view!

2020-12-03 07:57:08

dang this is good

2020-12-03 19:28:13
Born to be Wild

voted !

2020-12-04 16:43:03

Voted. I invite you on pg. 8

2020-12-04 20:25:40

VOTED! I am on page 3! :)

2020-12-04 21:43:28


2020-12-05 21:32:50
Ajay Reno

hi remember me

2021-03-09 18:09:52