Hello Yuri! I like all the blues and oranges. Reminds me of the Boise State Broncos. (Where I live). I love the placement of everything! Just the right amount of furniture! If you don't mind, check out my project on page 4 and my brothers on page one! Thanks! My brothers name is Logan. Was Miracle doggy.
2020-11-30 03:56:31Yuri! Que bueno ver su proyecto, otra vez llegó un poco tarde, pero aquí estoy. Bueno primero que nada quería agradecer por su comentario siempre estoy esperandolo y también por que hace poco revise mis proyectos y me di cuenta de que desde mi segundo trabajo a estado ahí. Gracias por eso :) Pasando de eso ahora sí voy con su diseño. Este diseño es totalmente a lo que me esperaba, no me mal entienda por favor, es hermoso y sin duda tiene su toque divertido y brillante, pero por otro lado a optado por un esquema de color más sobrio, tanto en las paredes como en el mobiliario. (Continua abajo) ↓
2020-12-01 00:00:24En la entrada, el almacenamiento me parece muy acertado, ya que normalmente cuando llegas a casa dejas las llaves o algún abrigo sobre lo que tengas cerca. La sala al fondo está muy bien ubicada, ya que está cerca de las ventanas y seguramente tendría mucha luz natural, la alfombra en esta zona al igual que en el comedor sin duda es tu firma,también me gusta el esquema de color en los cojines, únicamente habría colocado la mesita más al centro. (Sin intención de molestar claro.) (Continua abajo) ↓
2020-12-01 00:06:25(Era la alfombra de la sala y entrada, perdón xD) El comedor es simplemente divertido aún cuando sus colores son serios, me parece muy curioso que cada silla sea de un color diferente, el almacenamiento aquí juega un papel importante, ya que sería realmente útil para colocar platos o artículos de cocina entre otros objetos, además de que funciona muy bien como decoración :) lo único que aparte puedo mencionar es que la persianas están al revés, pero de ahí en fuera es un proyecto muy interesante y completo, me parece que salió un poco de su zona de confort, la verdad lo a echo genial. Estoy muy feliz de ser uno de sus diseñadores favoritos, de echo me siento honrado :D Usted también es uno de mis diseñadores favoritos, admiro mucho tu estilo libre y colorido. Buena suerte.
2020-12-01 00:12:45Este diseño es totalmente diferente a lo que esperaba* lo siento no se escribió bien. Me disculpo.
2020-12-01 00:14:57Love the carpets! Its a modern and chic combination
2020-12-01 06:01:27Умничка!! Хороший подбор мебели и цвета текстур .приятно оживляет синий цвет. Очень уютно и эргономично
2020-12-01 09:26:37Ciao Yuri! Grazie davvero per il tuo commento, sono veramente felice che ti sia piaciuto il progetto. Adesso passiamo al tuo, questo tema l'ho trovato decisamente complesso, l'accostamento del marrone, nero e bianco per me non è stato semplice e come dici tu sono andata sicuramente un po' fuori tema ma tu no! Hai mantenuto la modernità in tutti gli elementi che hai utilizzato. L'accostamento dei colori è perfetto, i tappeti danno luce alla stanza, il pavimento è decisamente azzeccato per non parlare dell'accostamento del tavolo con le sedie. Mi hai davvero stupita, ti faccio i miei complimenti perché questo progetto è veramente bello! Ottimo lavoro Yuri!!!
2020-12-01 09:45:08first of all i cant find the correct amount of words to thank you for ur comment . it always puts a smile on my face when i read it . let me say Im glad to know you ! regarding your project, this one is mesmerizing ! you combined the elements of modern , cozy and colorful in a sweet blend and i believe that this is never easy to achieve . every corner and wall is distinct and stands out yet the overall design comes together perfectly . u used the space wisely too ! great job Yuri u can surely consider my vote ! have a nice week :)
2020-12-01 09:57:31Yuri, I always see that you put the sweetest comments on other people's pages, so I wanted to pay it foreword and do the same. You really did an amazing job capturing a look with modern, homey, and exciting touches. I really enjoyed seeing the pops of color in the rug, it was really fun and I liked it a lot. I also think it was a bold choice to use different types of chairs at the dining table, but it works really well! I really like how there is two fireplaces, I personally would love two fireplaces in one area of a home! I like the flooring, it really works with the rest of the home. Lastly, I really like the storage space, it is useful and modern. Overall, amazing job! Even though you haven't commented on any of my projects, I still thought it was so kind and amazing of you to write all those other comments. Thank you! -Soccer :)
2020-12-01 15:04:31Thanks so much for your super nice comment, Yuri! I can't stop smiling! :)
2020-12-01 18:28:10Wow Yuri This Is Great I will Vote You Please Vote Mine
2020-12-02 05:38:54Hello Yuri. Thank you for such a kind comment. Since you want my opinion on your product, I will be very honest. I like your design. It offers a homely, airy atmosphere, Since you chose a smaller fireplace, I like that it is in both parts of the room (dining and living area). I also like floors that go well with a gray wall. What would change, however, is the relocation of the TV and fireplace in the living area. That's just my opinion.
2020-12-02 06:31:16Hi Yuri, ur wonderful and expansive comments made my day :-) You really have a fantastic design with modern elements. The blue color pops in the rug and cushion look really fun. Since you chose the smaller fireplace, its was very clever idea to place two of them! The one thing i would changed was maybe exchange the positions of the TV and the fireplace. But thats just my suggestion. I almost forgot to mention that the storage unit also is very modern and nice.
2020-12-02 11:53:42Hi, thanks for your comment. I mean, what you wanted to say with the table, your big, rectangle one look much better with the chairs of different color. The wall with the TV is great, so simple and modern, I love the mirrored chest of drawers as well. I think the stove is exactly the element that gives the room the classic or hut impression (even a classic fireplace!). Well, I don’t think they gave us too much modern furniture for the modern project, - e.g. the lamps seem to me also a bit oldfashioned - but you managed to create a pretty good modern room :).
2020-12-02 16:06:41Hi, I love the black-brown and white it makes it feel so warm and cozy I also Love how you made it feel so realistic by putting a lot of things butt also spacing them out. Happy holidays. (can you check out mine on page 41)
2020-12-02 23:27:32Hi Yuri !! Fantastic design. Loved the spacious dining area with the mix n match colors. The she leave is at appropriate place and looks awesome. It looks modern and relaxing. The flooring is also very cool :) Good luck dear !!!!
2020-12-03 08:06:50And sorry for my late comment. Actually I have a loads of assignment to do in 2 days and it is very tedious. But I'll see everyone's designs when I'll get some time:)
2020-12-03 08:08:37Thank you very much Yuri for such a voluminous kind comment !)))))) All the more pleased to receive such an assessment for a student from a Pro- - - - the highest praise for me!!! Good luck and victories to you in your creative work!!!))))
2020-12-03 19:08:19Hi Yuri, what can I say that I did not already say? a big THANKS for your kind words. Sorry if I am so late with my answer, but I was really busy at work this week. I really like your project, I think it is my favourite one after Monica's apartment. The layout is great, the white sofa and armchair bring light to the project and the splash of blue in the rug makes it more vivid. You also used curtains, something you rarely do- and last but not least - I obviously love the three ships!
2020-12-03 22:47:59Votado
2020-12-04 04:05:28Голосую!
2020-12-04 08:06:37Hello Yuri! I like your design. The layout is good. It's a good idea to have a fireplace in two places. I like that in addition to the main colors, you also used other colors in the decoration. I voted.
2020-12-04 10:26:08Hi Yuri. Thank you for your voice. Judging by the voluminous comments, I decided that you are a Pro!)))))) Thank you for the smile!))) It's a pleasure to talk to you.))))))
2020-12-04 11:59:24Hi Yuri, Thank you for your comment i voted for you
2020-12-04 12:07:16Ciao Yuri, grazie mille per il tutto commento. Sei stato molto gentile ad aver perdonato il fatto che sono andato fuori tema ;) Ovviamente ne ero consapevole, ma come dici tu, non sempre deve essere visto come un errore. Ma ora veniamo al tuo progetto... lo definirei concretamente elegante. La concretezza si nota nel layout, è tutto perfettamente al suo posto, gli spazi sono ben gestiti e mi sembra una zona giorno perfettamente funzionale; l'eleganza è data dalla scelta dei colori, moderni, ma non freddi. Concludendo... ottimo progetto, naturalmente votato!
2020-12-04 12:25:04I voted.
2020-12-04 12:44:16Boted
2020-12-04 14:08:01Voted
2020-12-04 14:08:13Voted :)
2020-12-04 14:44:41Voted! All the best dear!
2020-12-04 16:35:53VOTED ;)
2020-12-04 16:38:00voted im on pg 10
2020-12-05 14:15:34Voted
2020-12-05 21:04:32It is 5 minutes to midnight in my region and I am happy that I managed to vote))) Grate project!
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