Hi Menna! First Congrats!! I Love the way you made every wall different and the carpets are absolutely awesome! I will vote for you again and if you don't mind can you vote for me too!? thanks. best of luck!!
2020-11-11 16:09:36Hola Menna felicidades por llegar al podio :D y que buen trabajo hiciste ;)
2020-11-12 02:11:13yes, Melissa we are ! and its a pleasure :)
2020-11-12 17:39:46welcome! yes its my real name, it means grace , blessing or so in Arabic and no, I never found this to be rude at all :)
2020-11-12 21:00:14hi menna, a great appealing design full of real good old days classics. a design made of marvelous antiques wish you the best
2020-11-12 21:59:27thanks :) waiting for ur vote !
2020-11-12 22:01:21Votado!.
2020-11-13 14:02:56Hi Menna, Thank You for your kind comment. Talking about your design, I actually adore it because of the living room and chocolate theme [ I think so ;) ] You have done a great job. Good luck :) And ya ,Voted for your design :D
2020-11-13 15:16:23Hi, I really like the colours you chose. Everything is arranged very well! Voted!
2020-11-13 16:23:06Hi, I just looked at your project, i really like the textures and the patterns of the walls are simply great! I voted.
2020-11-13 17:27:24Thank You so much for commenting on my project! I am voting for you! I love your project! It is so creative! Wow Wow Wow!!!!
2020-11-13 18:47:23I love it!
2020-11-13 18:47:32Hi Menna, I love the way you played with prints and colors. Lovely shades of brown in combination with bold black print on the wall make this place kind of mystic, like you are really somewhere in the woods and yet have the comfor of an apartment. Great work! I voted!
2020-11-13 19:51:37I voted this!!!
2020-11-13 20:16:36Absolutely beautiful! The colors are just gorgeous. :)
2020-11-13 21:12:01Thank you for your comment, and for the vote. The thing about the door leading to the kitchen not being practical though, is not true. I've seen so many homes designed that way. It functions. Anyway, your room looks good. I like that the windows are different woods. And sure, I'll vote you.
2020-11-13 23:23:30Oh Menna! Oh Menna! You love to entertain and to amaze, isn't it? That room, to be honest, is way far from the brief. But is such charming frakenstein of a room. Ther's the dark wall paper with its victorian feel. The two painted walls, which are such a brave move, the two more "neutral" walls that soften a little the design. But then you have gone bold with the curtains and the choice of wood for your kitchen shelves. In this room there's so much going on but you managed to keep all in balance. It is theatrical, it is charming, it is something that I can immagine to be described in a fantasy book. I like it. I think you are a very creative and also clever designer. I'm voting for you.
2020-11-14 01:01:34Hi Menna! Thank you for your comment on my project. The layout is very good. I like it and I voted.
2020-11-14 08:16:11Voted! Love the color theme! Thanks for your comments!
2020-11-14 13:57:55I'm always happy when I cheerish someone. I ment every simgle word of my review. I love your project. Godspeed!
2020-11-14 15:09:02Hi Menna . I like your design , the colour scheme is great . I voted
2020-11-14 17:04:54It's very pretty, I like all the detail. Thank you for your comment on my design.
2020-11-14 18:16:05voted!
2020-11-14 18:32:47I love your design Menna, It's perfect! Thank you for your vote. I voted for you as well :)
2020-11-14 18:58:57Hi Menna, congratulations it's beautiful! Thanks for voting for me. I voted for you too! I hope you win, good luck! :)
2020-11-15 00:08:35Voted
2020-11-15 00:56:19thank you Menna, voted too!
2020-11-15 10:48:37Voted!
2020-11-15 12:32:22Felicidades Menna, es un proyecto realmente acogedor! Votado!!
2020-11-15 13:50:23I voted for u Menna, U did an Amazing job! Thank you for voteing for me. My real name is Nevaeh but idk what u call me :). Ur name is beutiful.U are an insparation to me, and I've learned alot about ur designing skills.
2020-11-15 21:05:24nice ! voted
2020-11-15 22:48:10Nice Job It looks awesome!
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