
评论 (34)

User 12006058

2020-11-09 05:29:42
Born to be Wild

its a lovely design. I love the backsplash tiles in the kitchen. The seating space near the window looks great. The kitchen and the dining is very well strcutured! Do check mine on Pg 5

2020-11-09 10:55:10

Hey Yeqoan, You know what, I loved every single piece of this house specially the window sitting. Everything is on it's place without any crowd. I just Loved it ;) Well, Mine is on pg.6 :)

2020-11-09 11:14:06

Hi Yeqoan! I LOVE THE SITTING AREA IN THE WINDOW!!! :) I will vote you! Come see me on page 1! I have so renders on my page!! Thanks! We are the World! :)

2020-11-09 12:21:17

Very lovely design, there is lots of storage and i really like the seating area you made. Make sure to check mine out if you´d like and Good Luck!

2020-11-09 13:29:54
Hall Pat

Wow, que moderno, me encanta *.*

2020-11-09 15:06:57
Charlotte Spann

I loved it!! my favorite part was ether the color scheme or the sitting area in the window! please look at mine and tell me what you think!

2020-11-09 17:13:12

This indeed has cottage warmth! I love the neural browns and all the colours in general! I also love all the shelves and books and that seating area by the window looks great! Thanks for your comment and your right on the idea to step up the elevation even further and create a "spectator's stand" kind of seating! Great job on your design! bye!

2020-11-09 17:24:06

this is really nice. I really like the whole design. I wouldn't really call it an old town living room and kitchen. But it is very nice and cozy. I'm getting cute cottage vibes. I think you would have nailed it for a warm "cottage" challenge. overall great job!

2020-11-09 19:30:26

Wow amazing project! I love the bookcases, at first I also considered doing something like this, it looks really good. The dining table is fantastic too and also the layout is great.

2020-11-09 21:26:38

Great use of room in the build. I like it! My Build is on Page 1 I believe so if you want to see mine, it's there.

2020-11-09 21:37:16

I just checked and my build is on Page 21.

2020-11-09 21:42:48
User 16138998

2020-11-10 13:58:18

Wow you really have a talent. If you want you should check out mine and vote for me. Keep doing what you love!!! I am on page 22. Please Comment on my piece. I love the layout and the bookshelves are amazing. You have a talent!

2020-11-10 16:35:53

Very nice design. Very spacious. Meets all tender conditions. All corners of the room are well organized. Everything is functional, realistic and beautiful. Well done. I invite you to view my project on p. 24

2020-11-10 16:55:53
Potato chip

Thank you for your comment. Your room looks great. The seating area at the window looks very cozy. I like the purple accents.

2020-11-10 17:00:22
Maryna Denyschenko

Hi, I remember from previous comments, that you are a bookworm, so reading area at window should be exactly your thing, but to be honest I can not imagine anybody who would not love it. Very cozy and homy design, great job.

2020-11-11 08:34:03
Born to be Wild

Thanks for your review comments. The sitting area near the window is very beautiful and cozy. Overall love the theme colors and furniture layout!

2020-11-11 14:19:43

Удобная расстановка мебели, хорошее зонирование, всё подобрано со вкусом. Очень понравился ваш проект!)Свой я выполняла левой рукой, правая в гипсе.!

2020-11-12 15:05:47
User 12006058

2020-11-13 00:30:34
Born to be Wild


2020-11-13 08:26:19

Thanks everyone! Am visiting each of yours to vote too!

2020-11-13 13:28:17
Hall Pat

Tiene mi voto, su trabajo tampoco me lo pierdo nunca :)

2020-11-13 14:04:50

Thanks for your comment :). I voted.

2020-11-13 16:41:05

Спасибо вам за добрые слова в комментарии. А мне нравится больше всего в вашем проекте---- эргономичность. Тёплые тона с игрой акцентов создают уют и приятную тёплую атмосферу в целом!))) Голосую!

2020-11-13 16:50:03

an old town classic home as it should be, its not just cozy but its also functional, the reading space and tv space in particular are very welcoming ! voted for u , would u mind voting for me too ? thanks :)

2020-11-13 16:51:37

however i think that the position of the kitchen in front of the door is slightly less practical tho

2020-11-13 16:52:00

but its great !

2020-11-13 16:52:10

Voted :D

2020-11-13 17:59:29
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

Hi, wowwww! Fantastic, I love this project! i like the sofa area the most! very nice and amazing! i voted for you! please vote for me on page 1. Thanks!

2020-11-13 20:41:27
Rizki Agustin


2020-11-14 02:52:08

Hi! Very nice! I like it and I voted.

2020-11-14 15:56:31
User 12006058

2020-11-15 17:20:27
Noah Balog

i'm 18 and i love it i think it's nice and please look at my house it's on page 20 thanks and i will vote but if you vote me to!

2020-11-15 19:35:09