Wow, mira que hermoso trabajo, en verdad te luciste con el tu entrada sin duda es un plus a tu proyecto, muy bonito sin duda me sorprendiste. :)
2020-11-02 15:48:32Muchas gracias por el comentario. Tengo que admitir que tu estilo también me es muy parecido. Se ve que quieres crear con sentimiento y probablemente también con conocimiento.
2020-11-02 16:02:41Hola de nuevo, gracias por su comentario, pero disculpe mi ignorancia, no pude comprenderlo completamente. De igual forma le agradezco se tomará el tiempo de mirar mi trabajo.
2020-11-02 16:11:21I apologize for the language. Google translater is not ok. I wrote that I like your style on any product. You design with feeling and certainly knowledge.
2020-11-02 16:16:48OOOooh my God :)), you made a real miracle! I love the entrance and the way you separated the library area from the rest area with transparent curtains. Really lovely, great job!
2020-11-02 18:01:14Thank you very much Milica
2020-11-02 18:07:08What do you mean?
2020-11-02 19:01:29Hi ,this is fantastic! I love the Halloween entrance and the separation with the curtain. The floor is very good too.
2020-11-02 20:17:39Woah!! Halloween house fit for a Halloween party (or ghost stories sharing session XD)! Love your choice of wall textures. And also a very practical move to segment the study desk area from the general couches area - more privacy and quiet is always appreciated (this bookworm approves).
2020-11-03 06:31:30Thank you very much for your comment
2020-11-03 06:48:15Woww !! I loved your design. The entrance path is amazing and the partition with the curtains is awesome. The way you made television (if I am not wrong) is fantastic. I loved it :) And you can also check mine on pg.7 :)
2020-11-03 08:38:01Very well designed room with lots of place for a whole family. Separating the places by the curtains creates intimacy when needed. Great setting!
2020-11-03 09:33:17Thank you Mehaanshi Parmar and ArhitectureA for your coments.
2020-11-03 10:12:00Hey thanks for ur comments. Btw it's not a Mediterranean design, it's very much from where I belong, India :-) I love your design, the curtain makes a beautiful separation between the living space and study area. I like the colors you have used as well
2020-11-03 12:14:54This is outstanding! I love the front porch, it's such a clever idea! The room is very nice and I like how you elevated the flooring! The curtain was a really smart chose. Thanks for your comment on my project! Bye!
2020-11-03 14:19:27I am honestly so darn impressed, it looked like it took a great deal of hard work and of course time to arrange the library so precise and detailed, the raised flooring was a really nice idea, unless someone has plans of stubbing their toe xD The front area gives me the warm, cozy hill station vibes and I loveee the stone walls, wishing you the best of luck! Stay safe, byee :)
2020-11-03 15:58:26Thank you Caperfad very much for such a pleasant comment, I wish you the same. Stay safe and good luch!
2020-11-03 17:30:44Thank you for your comment. Your room looks good. I like the way the room is split up.
2020-11-03 17:53:25Very creative by separating the rooms for a more private reading area. Loved how you worked the design on the exterior, didn't know we could do that. Colors are bright and fun! How do we vote?
2020-11-03 18:00:36It will be time to vote. I think after 2 days. I will do it for you.
2020-11-03 18:07:28I love this room!!! This seems like a room that I would want to spend all my time in. Good job on this design :D
2020-11-03 19:23:31Wow, I love the covered patio and all the decorations.
2020-11-04 02:11:45Wow great design! I love all the blues with your interior design. The Halloween touch is my favorite. Amazing!
2020-11-04 02:54:10Thank you for all your coments
2020-11-04 02:57:59WowoWowoWowoWow!!!! It's WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!! you are really creative, I liked the entrance btw HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!! and I liked the sofa area, and the reading one too!!! if you would like to check mine I'm in page 24!!
2020-11-04 05:02:20Great setting and modern, It seems like a room I would want to spend all my time in. I Loved the design on the exterior, I didn't know we could do that. Happy Halloween!
2020-11-04 09:04:02ecxellent!!
2020-11-04 10:17:04I like your project it's really cool and I hope that you win
2020-11-04 14:17:03wow really nice project. it is very creative and unique!
2020-11-04 14:19:06Hallo Tatjana, thanks a lot for your nice comment. I like the blue tone you chose, and the outside zone is outstanding.
2020-11-04 21:37:27Hello Tatjana, I love your layout and how effectively you have maximised the space. Very creative! The blues are very soothing and the study area is cozy. Would love to spend time reading here. You're very lucky if this is resembles your current living space :)
2020-11-05 11:25:25Votado :)
2020-11-06 01:28:04voted!
2020-11-06 04:56:03voted
2020-11-06 05:39:22Voted for you
2020-11-06 06:36:16Voted :)
2020-11-06 07:14:12Потрясающе интересно!!!!! Спасибо за комментарий. Голосую за ваш проект!!!!
2020-11-06 07:23:33Voted for you :)
2020-11-06 09:56:19I love it. So I vote for you. Please vote for me too.
2020-11-06 10:35:29voted ! i need ur vote too. thanks :)
2020-11-06 12:25:48Voted, good luck!
2020-11-06 12:59:16I voted
2020-11-06 13:03:14Wow really creative and cool Voted
2020-11-06 19:11:30Voted!
2020-11-06 20:59:05Hi thanks for the vote and feedback, i think that's make sense :). I voted for you too, it's very creative
2020-11-07 04:31:49Gran trabajo! Votado!!
2020-11-07 13:39:14Great design i voted .
2020-11-07 14:15:05Wow, It is absolutely amazing. I like your zoning inside, and entrance area outside. How did you do that oblique roof supports?
2020-11-07 16:29:00Thank you for your comment on my design. It's very nice, I can tell you spent a lot of time on it. Great job with the entrance area!
2020-11-07 18:57:06Tank you. If you think so, can you vote for me?
2020-11-07 19:03:10Hi Tatjana! Thank you for your comments on my project! Space seperation is very imaginative. I like it and I voted. :)
2020-11-07 20:55:07Hola otra vez acabo de leer tu comentario, la verdad no sé si no entendí bien o el traductor me lo traduce mal, pero esta parte es especial necesito que me expliques si no es molestia (Quite interesting, right? I thought we were going to play fair. but it is a disgrace. What did you do when this happened to you?) Ya que pareciera que me avisas de algo según la traducción. Te aseguro que yo no tengo nada que ver, a mí me sucede lo mismo que a ustedes, por lo regular me sucede eso, supongo que al ver qué van ganado los quitan. Erin y yo estamos consientes de que se trata de problemas de celos.
2020-11-07 23:25:41Hola otra vez, te ofrezco una disculpa, mi traductor lo estaba traduciendo mal y creí que era un reclamo, mis más sinceras disculpas. Hasta el día de hoy me sucede lo mismo y no tengo forma de evitarlo, creo que ninguno de nosotros la tiene, pero si e notado que cuando llevas más corazones que otros o cerca de la misma cantidad te quitan los suyos para evitar que ganes, al principio me sentía muy triste por eso, pero con el tiempo deje de preocuparme por eso y empezar a notar a algunas personas que lo hacían o a algunos que decían haberme votado y no era así. Creo que lo único que te puedo recomendar es paciencia, por qué sucede mucho más de lo que te imaginas :/
2020-11-07 23:44:46Сочетание классики и современного интерьера, перегораживая шторками, в том числе входную дверь... Нет. Такое чувство, что решили использовать каждую предложенную деталь. Расположение ковров, не вписанная детализация мебели. Извините, не могу проголосовать, что мне это нравится... Это не так.
2020-11-08 00:52:58thanks for voting, I voted back!!
2020-11-08 04:05:47Hola otra vez, descuida lo entendí después de traducirlo otra vez, el traductor lo había echo mal. Tu idea es buena, pero la verdad hace tiempo hubo muchos problemas por el intercambio de votos y lo único que hicieron los moderadores de la página fue poner un botón de denuncia que muchas han usado en contra de otros participantes, denunciandolos cuando no hacen nada, tal es el caso de Erin, Nakio Doggy, Doggy (please vote) entre otros incluido yo, podemos intentar pero tengo mis dudas sobre que hagan algo. De cualquier modo, gracias por pedir mi consejo y por tomarte la molestia de responder.
2020-11-08 04:42:50Muchos* perdón x(
2020-11-08 04:43:18Thank you Hall Pat. I have alredy voted for Nakio Doggy,
2020-11-08 04:58:58First of all, thank you very much for your comment, and yes, I do try to add color to my work, but I really don't like colors, I'll try to do better. So, regarding your project, the creativity you have is really incredible, the simulated windows are amazing, and the entrance is a unique touch. My comment regarding everything is that for me it looks very ornate, with textures and colors, so it looks messy. In my place instead of putting the curtain as a separator I might have put the bookcase ... and well that's all. As I mentioned before, I love the idea, so I voted. (I'm sorry if I have mistakes, I'm not very good with English) Luck
2020-11-08 06:06:07Thank you verry much Karen I appreciate your coments. Yes, I agree with you - it would bee beter to put book sleves intead curtains. Thank you
2020-11-08 06:53:22There are so many details, wow, you did great! It looks cozy and comfy, and especially the way you made a porch, cool!
2020-11-08 21:36:59Wow completely blown away by how you created that entryway! Absolutely love the nook area you created. Something about the dualistic nature of the room is quite creative! awesome work
2020-11-09 00:56:48Great design! Congratulations!!!!
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