Hola muchas gracias por tu comentario, creo que hiciste un gran trabajo con esa división ya que ocupaste el espacio y no simplemente lo descartaste, bien echo! :)
2020-10-06 13:50:27Muchas gracias Hall Pat, simplemente me enamoré de tu diseño una vez que lo vi. Además, el significado de la oración podría cambiar ya que estoy usando el traductor de Google para su conveniencia.
2020-10-06 14:44:04Haha that looks pretty detailed to me!
2020-10-06 15:19:00Like an idiot I just changed the colour of one armchair and totally abandoned the other *facepalm*, also thanks Izzy but it sure doesn't look as good as others but I'm cool with it, gotta learn from my mistakes and improve. Thanks!
2020-10-06 15:38:35Great application of colors and the distribution of your furniture. I would only think that you reserve enough measures to have an ergonomic space. I like it.
2020-10-08 18:34:27Votado! :) Aproposito vi tu comentario en el proyecto de Erin (creo, no recuerdo bien xD) sobre el chico que se hacía pasar por varios de nosotros, gracias por defendernos, me pareció muy amable de tu parte y quería agradecerte. Por favor cada que publiques algo infórmame estaría muy feliz de verlo :)
2020-10-09 00:48:34Hola Hall Pat, ¡muchas gracias! Me sentí realmente frustrado cuando vi comentarios innecesarios como el tuyo, seguro te haré ping cuando comentes jeje
2020-10-09 06:03:05Thanks a lot Lily, really appreciate it
2020-10-09 06:05:19No entendí xD disculpa mi ignorancia podrías explicarme...
2020-10-09 13:25:55Es por el comentario que deje antes? Lo siento no vuelve a suceder
2020-10-09 13:26:41Lo siento mucho, el traductor de google mezcla las oraciones, no me frustran tus comentarios, me frustran los comentarios sobre tu diseño
2020-10-09 13:47:52Ah, por un momento pensé que era una molestia, lo siento. Me podrías decir que significa eso de hacer ping? Si no es problema claro.... Una disculpa otra vez por mi ignorancia.
2020-10-09 13:59:15No se preocupe, Hall Pat, la palabra ping significa totalmente diferente en el idioma inglés, pero la usé como jerga para decir "Te avisaré cuando comente". Además, como no sé español, utilizo el traductor de Google, así que disculpe los errores gramaticales, ya que el traductor de Google no lo traduce literalmente.
2020-10-10 04:15:27I love your room a lot, it's detailed and beautiful. The color scheme is great, and I like how you used the closet as a sort of divider between the different sections of the rooms. On a different note, I really appreciate how you called out Huzaifah shaikh for just copying and pasting the same comment over and over, I wanted to call them out too but I didn't know how to write it. It was very nice of you to stand up to them, and so politely too. I think, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people would agree, that if someone puts a lot of thought into their comment on someone's room then it's fine for them to mention their room's page number, but it's definitly not okay to just copy and paste the same comment begging someone to look at their room. Thank you for addressing this problem so well. By the way, because I couldn't think of a nice way to call them out, I ended up finding the comment that they had copied and pasted and copying it myself. I commented that same comment on their own room (lol).
2020-10-10 16:57:11Hi Rainfall Sienna, I'm glad you liked the room. Also yes, you're right, if someone puts a lot of thought into their comment and mention their room's page number, it's totally fine and I'm always open to checking out new designs, I usually try not to correct, or fight with others but I end up doing it anyways and it results in people throwing hate on me, I usually ignore them but thank you so much for your comment, I used to share my honest opinions about the designs and tell them to check out mine, but I have stopped. It's their wish if they want to check mine out, I needn't force them to, and once again, thank you so much :)
2020-10-11 06:08:11Thanks for your comment. I like your room. it's beautiful. I vote you.
2020-10-11 12:19:34Thanks Rizki Agustin :)
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