
评论 (9)

doodie the dachshund

oh wow this is really pretty, and the curtains is a very simple add on yet other people dont do it.

2020-09-21 02:44:00
User 12006058

2020-09-21 16:06:08

Wow...i love how you used the wardrobe to create an office space, and the curtains to the bedroom...such a thoughtful design! And dining tables are normally in the middle of the room but i love how you have put it next to the wall!!!! Attention to detail should always be awarded right? Check out my first design on pg 26. :)

2020-09-22 22:43:35

I really like where you placed everything. It looks super good! Great job!

2020-09-24 12:36:46

Hi! I like your project. the red adds some color. However, the couch is right in front of the door, and it would be hard to maneuver around to get inside... other than that, it's really nice! I'm on page 26 if you wanna see mine. :3

2020-09-24 13:46:22
Do me a 👍 and I'll try to do you a 👍 Back (Lavi)

Whoever votes and writes to me (on page 3) will vote for him. ---------------------------------------------------------------- מי שמצביע וכותב לי (בעמוד 3) אצביע עבורו.

2020-09-25 10:10:33

Voted! Good luck!

2020-09-25 11:00:33

Hi, Love so much your design! Voted for you. Do check mine on Pg-1

2020-09-26 01:25:56

Hello ... I really like your layout. To me the: dining area, office area, couch and appliance placement all make it very unique and interesting. Voted! :)

2020-09-26 22:16:41