Rizki Agustin

评论 (10)


Hi! I love your design I think that your colors and layout are great and that you put a lot of hard work in to it.

2021-04-27 18:16:45

Здорово получилось!! Люблю готику, а в этой работе присутствуют нотки этого стиля!! Интерьер очень интересный! Неожиданно для твоего почерка ---ярких и сочных проектов! Молодец! Удивила))).

2021-04-27 20:17:19
Mari Mond

Hello to everyone! I would like to get your attention to something that I noticed. I spent 2 hours voting (web via Android) I got to round 130 and saw many projects being repeated, Some I recognized from the photo and others from the profile. Other projects in the first minutes of voting already had 4 stars, some that even when I was voting appeared without a star. And what are these profiles with USER and numbers that appear as false when they like something. I have in my favorites Hall Pat, mia, rizki, rita olahne and others and I couldn't find their projects. Something needs to be done, because anyone who is honest is being deceived.

2021-04-28 02:30:35
Rizki Agustin

Thanks a lot sz

2021-04-28 12:05:57
Rizki Agustin

Thanks a lot Ольга

2021-04-28 12:06:48
Rizki Agustin

Thanks a lot Mari Mond

2021-04-28 12:07:19

OH wow, I really like your design and I love the colors. I really like the black wallpaper. great job and good luck please check out mine on page 9.

2021-04-28 13:54:18
Rizki Agustin

Thanks a lot Baraa

2021-04-28 21:22:34
User 20244259

cute design!!! i love all the decor and the shelving by the fireplace! well done. please see mine

2021-05-01 22:30:13
Rizki Agustin

Thanks a lot The Genius Of Design

2021-05-02 07:13:57