Hi thanks for your comment! I love the colors, they are very warm and cozy. I really like how you made the pictures by using wallpapers, and how you made your own, unique, desk, even though it is a bit low. My suggestion is 1, to make the desk higher, 2, make all the walls blue, and 3, to move the guitar to a different wall, as that part is rather cluttered. Anyway I think your room is really cute! Keep designing! :)
2021-02-23 22:39:11Also I have one more thing to add that I forgot to say, maybe you could have added another bed and another desk as the room is supposed to be a room for 2.
2021-02-23 22:41:27Actually ignore my last comment, as I have no realized that it is not necessarily supposed to be a room for two. My mistake!
2021-02-23 22:44:22Thanks for your comment. I like the color is comfortable. I really like the painting, the desk and the shelves look really amazing. Good jo
2021-02-24 02:07:24Thank you very much Rizki Agustín! your opinion is important to me!
2021-02-24 20:32:08Thank you very much Anonimus! The constructive suggestions are always positive for me!
2021-02-24 20:35:09Hola Remadi! Lamentó llegar tarde. Vaya que lindo diseño! *.* Ese color azul en las paredes me parece muy muy bonito, francamente la combinación con el color amarillo me parece sorprendente y muy vibrante. Únicamente agregaría un poco más de decoración a la pared donde está el cuadro ya que se mira un poco vacía, aún que claro solo es una sugerencia sin intención de molestar, por lo demás es un gran trabajo :)
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