Hello, Autumn! Design contest entry 4858459 by Valerie W. image


Autumn colors in a cozy setup.

Komentarze (8)
Valerie W.
At the moment, this design somehow has a rating of 0.0 in the contest voting. Im frankly very confused about that. Not my best work, and not at the level of a winning design, but certainly not deserving of such a low rating. Perhaps in voting this design keeps being paired up with winning-level designs? Im disappointed.
2021-09-09 18:49:11
Marco Lam
I could tell you that your design is indeed a very good one. I am obsessed with the layout as well as the colors you chose. And I really want to cheer you up. Dont feel disappointed by taking the result too seriously. As you may have noticed, some of the designs with rating of 4.4 or above do not even look reasonable (for example, unusual placement of furniture, odd color combination etc) yet they have got such a high rating. So I think there are many reasons for that (the case you mentioned above might be one of them, or some people just vote randomly, or they have a special taste etc.). Similar situations happened in previous battles if you look at each of the winning designs. For me, I just want to join this battle and share my works with others who also love interior design. Thats it and no matter what result I get, I feel happy throughout the design process. Let us keep going and keep our passion for interior design forever. Add oil...!!!
2021-09-10 06:43:46
hi valerie, your design battle is so amazing!! I love the strong autumn colours in your room especially the bright curtains. It has a very warm and cosy feeling to it and makes you want to cuddle up on the couch on a cold autumn day! I think this design is really good and in fact one of the best i have seen this week. I think the reason your design has a lower rating is because you entered it later in the week ( I also did). Normally people vote at the start of the week so those who entered it early get a better rating even if the design is not necessarily good. Hope this helps! Please see mine too!
2021-09-10 09:05:37
Valerie W.
Thanks! Unfortunately, I actually entered my design before the voting even started, which is why I was so surprised. Im happy with how it turned out, no matter what. The way people vote on these contests leaves me shaking my head a lot of the time.
2021-09-10 16:04:40
Oh that is so weird! Yes me too
2021-09-10 16:57:01
Marco Lam
Now the design has been chosen as Editor’s choice…..It proves how well it actually is….Happy for you!
2021-09-10 17:51:14
Valerie W.
Wow, thanks, I hadnt even seen that yet!
2021-09-11 22:56:32
Please take a look at my design battle and let me know what you think, thank you!
2021-09-12 10:59:36