Love the deck, so creative! Also noticed how items were on the shelves, that was so cool. The table and wallpaper were a little bright for me. But, over all great job. I will vote for you, vote for me. Here is mine
2020-06-23 03:23:20Love how you created the table. I like how the table matches the walls. I don't really love the wallpaper, its just too many colors for me, but overall its really good. I am going to vote for you, please check mine out
2020-06-23 23:00:37This is nice. I love the color choice and the layout! I am voting for you. Please check mine out and if you can please vote for me.
2020-06-24 07:12:28And as a suggestion maybe you could change the color of the striped purple rug to a color that fully matches the wall? This is only a suggestion so you don't have to do it. Please check mine out though
2020-06-24 07:23:11I like it. I will be voting for you
2020-06-24 22:24:13Check mine out
2020-06-24 22:26:39Thanks
2020-06-25 21:15:50Very nice! But the walls don't really go with anything else.
2020-06-25 22:08:43Wow! Your project is fantastic! I voted for you, I hope you'll vote for me!
2020-06-26 10:29:38I voted you you vote me please on page 1 !
2020-06-26 11:32:43Hola vote por tu proyecto, agradecería mucho si votaras por el mío :) Aquí un render de mi proyecto.
2020-06-26 14:09:56Wcześniej zarejestrowałeś się za pomocą tych adresów e-mail:
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