Hola Tatjana! Que bueno que te encontré, como siempre tu proyecto está lleno de increíbles ideas, muy muy creativo, felicidades. :) Me encanta esa cama.
2021-01-28 03:02:23Verjetno ste bili kraljica v preteklem življenju, zato me vaši projekti včasih spominjajo na srednjeveške gradove zaradi dosega tekstur ter skrivnih in nepričakovanih odlomkov in prostorov. Obožujem eklektični slog in galerija je videti skoraj tako kot v gledališču. Splošni vtis je zelo razburljiv, vidim, da ste uživali pri delu na tem.
2021-01-28 08:05:04Hi Tatjana! Thank you for your comments. The layout is very imaginative. The kitchen is a little higher than the living room thus creating two separate areas. The bedroom in the gallery is a great idea.
2021-01-28 09:18:19Привет. Шикарный проект!!!!! Так всё создано на высшем уровне!!!!! Всё нравится! Милая кухня с красивой текстурой. Спальня в красивом обрамлении....Отличная работа!!!!!!
2021-01-28 13:10:52Hi, thanks for your comment. I like your project very much! The green of the walls is very nice. The raised bed is super and the whole layout is very well done. I like very much the color of the couch and the the texture of the kitchen cabinets too.
2021-01-28 14:04:38Hi Tatjana, you have a great layout and original ideas. I love the kitchen and the bedroom. The colors are beautiful. : D
2021-01-28 14:15:23Hi Tatjana The colors are so incredible in your project. I really love how you have placed the bed it is so creative! I would love to have your feedback on my design too!
2021-01-28 20:04:21Доброго вечера. Татьяна. Мне всё таки удалось выполнить сегодня задание...
2021-01-31 15:56:18Wcześniej zarejestrowałeś się za pomocą tych adresów e-mail:
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