
Komentarze (21)

Hall Pat

Escogiste colores muy lindos y brillantes, le da algo divertido a la habitación. Y creo que eres la única persona que los ha usado. Me gusta mucho! Por favor revisa la mía y déjame un comentario si te gusta

2020-06-15 13:00:04
Surya Ganesh

INVITATION MESSAGE : Surya Ganesh invites you to his project.. " GIRL'S BEDROOM ". Surya Ganesh is likely to send the comment on your project when He gets up the comment in the chat box..In the day of voting Surya Ganesh guaranties that He will vote for everyone who comment of his chat and votes him the best.. Any words to speak to me : You can find me on page number : 1 or follow up this link..THANK YOU FOR YOUR RESPONSE.. If you really like my project..Don't forget to Vote..

2020-06-15 13:08:14

I like how neat and organize the room is.

2020-06-15 13:58:37
Anoushka Sarin

Wow, I love it!!! Even though it's a girls bedroom and it should be all pink, I love the green colour theme!!! Way to go :)

2020-06-15 14:06:47

wow! i love it! its really good and all the colours match i would love to have such a bedroom! im definitely voting for u pls vote 4 me

2020-06-15 14:58:17
Madeline Cyfko

Outstanding girls bedroom. If I could choose a person to renovate my house I would 100% choose you. You have so much talent. I just cant believe. Oh gosh I will have to vote for you. It seems like there is no chance of another person becoming this good.

2020-06-15 17:08:46
Delilah Rose

it reminds me of a classroom lol.

2020-06-15 22:58:21
Anonymous #1

I love how you did not make it to girly

2020-06-16 06:36:45
Hamna Ahmed

wow hard work

2020-06-16 13:19:38
Sim Dhanda

it's amazeballs I'll surely vote for you, please vote for me as well.

2020-06-16 14:43:37
Alejandra Visscher

Im not a fan of the color green but it looks nice! here is my link if you want too check it!

2020-06-16 20:22:46
Alejandra Visscher

Anoushka, that is discrimination of gender! Girls and boys can have the color they want! god! Its like the 9nth sentury!

2020-06-16 20:32:38
Mark Cyfko

Your girls room is amazing! Keep it up! I will vote for you please vote for me!

2020-06-17 13:29:27
Lil Vysotsky

Hi! I love your project so much. you have well-chosen colors and layout of zones. I guarantee that I will vote for you if you vote for me. Here is a link to my project I'm new here and I'm hoping for your help besides I'm only 10 years old and I've made the nursery the way I want it to be.

2020-06-17 14:35:16

I love the colors :)))

2020-06-17 14:38:41
Hall Pat

Bien echo! Vote por ti! :) Por favor vota por mi.

2020-06-19 01:59:44
Carol Freddy CR7

Love your work, can you please vote for me? I voted for u!

2020-06-19 05:26:28
Carol Freddy CR7

Just copy paste this link onto google

2020-06-19 05:27:23

hi i voted for u plz vote for me

2020-06-19 09:52:42
Sim Dhanda

hi i voted please vote for me

2020-06-19 09:55:05

I voted 4 u pls vote 4 me

2020-06-19 14:05:48