Hola! Primero que nada mucha suerte con tus exámenes Caperfad, hiciste un buen trabajo, la pared de acento detrás de el inodoro es una idea bastante buena ya que ayuda a resaltar un poco esa zona, las batas son un detalle precioso y debo admitir que me parece muy original que haya tantas, bien echo. De nuevo te deseo suerte. :)
2021-01-18 05:47:11Interesting design. I really like that you chose part of the wooden insert as the wall covering. The bathroom is nicely decorated, full, but in my opinion it is a more modernist style, not so much rustic. But it's a nice job.
2021-01-18 18:15:04Thank you Tatjana, I appreciate your honest opinion :)
2021-01-19 02:57:54Hey Caperfad. The same...My exams are going on too. But I wanted to do this design too. And Your design looks awesome:) I'm on 63 if you wanna come and see mine !!! Good luck with your exams :)
2021-01-19 04:32:55Thank you sooo much Mehaanshi :D
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