Aderia Septiani

Komentarze (11)

Aderia Septiani

I am focus to provide a place that children can do with their creativity and their imagination.

2020-06-04 09:24:40
xXCookieU_UGod Lily

Wow it so nice and it is amazing that how you did the walls!

2020-06-04 16:03:33
Thea Miller

This is so creative!! I will vote for you

2020-06-04 16:29:32
Aderia Septiani

Thank you I use Painting for the wall, i changed the texture

2020-06-04 16:57:51
Anna Fajar Hasanah

mba Ade, manis banget kamarnyaa.. liat komposisi warna pinknya pas ga ngegas. suka! boleh vote & constructive advicenya di juga mba.. makasih sebelumnya :)

2020-06-05 05:31:37

I Voted For You

2020-06-05 17:08:25
Aderia Septiani

thank u Maggie :)

2020-06-05 17:53:22
Bruce Harris

It's a nice layout, good job. If you like this, you'll love mine. Check out my design to check out mine for ideas in the future and keep it up, we all grow with time. Have fun and like my design if you can appreciate it.

2020-06-05 23:13:11

i liked your work like me back on page 61

2020-06-06 09:59:42

i voted for you, please vote for me!! on page 8.

2020-06-06 10:39:52
Marsha Johnson

Very nice

2020-06-07 02:28:32