I like your Christmas design! If you get the chance check out mine on page 4.
2020-12-21 02:25:10great design!!! love the living room. every thing is good but I wish you had used colorful wallpapers at least for on or two of ealls . But again it's nice! Have a great holiday , Merry Christmas !!!!
2020-12-21 07:55:40plz check mine on page 9 !!!
2020-12-21 07:55:57I love the gray walls
2020-12-21 13:43:55Did you just recently change your name?
2020-12-21 13:46:09Love your design, its fantastic. Merry Christmas!!
2020-12-21 16:41:58you have a very good minimalist style, I'm a fan of this color palette, happy holidays
2020-12-21 17:55:12Majestic!
2020-12-22 17:52:00Хороший проект. Спокойные тона. Отличная идея с барной стойкой!). Каминная зона функциональна--- отдохнуть, почитать , просто помечтать... Понравилось распределение мебели).
2020-12-22 19:50:25Nice design. The neutral gray color is given by the liveliness of the fir tree, which is just nice to see by the window. If you have the time and want to comment on my design, which is on page 23. I wish you happy holidays.
2020-12-23 06:40:14i love it you have mega talent
2020-12-23 21:23:20hi Samuel I like your project it has a Christmas vibe and over all I like it . If you have the time I am inviting you to come see my project on page 110
2020-12-24 13:12:39I like it Please vote.
2020-12-25 11:11:40Супер. очень хороший проект))
2020-12-25 17:07:13Muy Bueno!!! Me encantó!!!
2020-12-26 15:06:18wow so beautiful
2020-12-27 03:56:42Wcześniej zarejestrowałeś się za pomocą tych adresów e-mail:
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