Bonjour! I really like the pink and green. It's quite busy, but it's good to take risks on here. I can't give you multiple votes, but I can do my part! Come see mine of page 43! Merci!
2020-12-08 22:54:33Hey! I really like the contrast of pink and green too! I find it very interesting but not too overwhelming either. I really like it!
2020-12-09 17:19:11Hello, Phoenix. Thank you for your kind comment. I love your design. It's clean, bright, and cute. I love the splash of color. Great work on your design. Thanks again. - KittenDesigns
2020-12-09 20:30:33Ciao! Grazie per il tuo commento, il tuo progetto è molto carino, mi piace l'accostamento fucsia-verde, diverso dal solito e dà quel pizzico di giovinezza dentro questa stanza. La terrazza l'hai usata in modo funzionale e la carta da parati dietro al letto è proprio una scelta giusta. Alla prossima!
2020-12-09 20:38:53Hi Phoenix and sorry if I'm reaplying to you with such delay. First of hall, many thanks for your nice words about my project. I've really appreciate them. Your project is undoubtedly interesting. I like the bold color scheme. The green is very relaxing but then you have enlivened the room with that beautiful wallpaper and that carpet with that ornamental pattern, very rich, very theatrical. You weren't satisfied so you have add that piece of art on the wall. That blue gives to your room dept. The beddings and the rug inject quirkyiness to your project. I really like the garden-balcony. Very well done with the ceiling! You have gone for a very a prominent one with those dark-wood panels! Another bold choice. It's a lovelly place were to spent some time enjoying the view. I've got one negative criticism and it's about the shelves in the bedroom. Too close to the bed! That would be dangerous and make sleeping there unconfortable. However, a very good and daring project! I'm voting for you.
2020-12-12 00:19:32ehi il tuo progetto è davvero molto interessante, e hai accostato delle trame e dei colori molto rischiose ma che nel complesso si sono rivelate all'avanguardia, complimenti se ti va passa a dare un'occhiata al mio progetto!
2020-12-12 16:02:29I voted for you,,. if you think my project deserves your vote, get it on p. 34. thank you
2020-12-12 16:48:49nice concept. i voted for you.
2020-12-12 21:43:33Wcześniej zarejestrowałeś się za pomocą tych adresów e-mail:
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