Żegnaj, 2023!

Zaprojektuj wnętrze swojego salonu we własnym ulubionym kolorze.


Komentarze (1)


Hello! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! I hope this note finds you having a wonderful holiday season. I like the arrangement of furniture and the orange accents look nice. I like the winter scene outside. The Christmas tree is conveniently located and a visually stimulating addition to the outdoor scenery. The shelves are functionally placed and I really love the star, although (just as a personal preference) I think it looks better on top of the tree. Also, the couch seems buried too far down and the pillows seem a bit big for the couch. Other than that, nice project and good luck in the battle. I look forward to your next design.

2023-12-31 16:48:16