my renders
2020-10-20 17:19:18Hi, thank you so much for your comment! I really like your project! I hope you win, have an awesome day!
2020-10-20 22:42:48thank you!
2020-10-21 08:47:27Thank you for your comment. Your room looks good.
2020-10-21 15:10:41Hello Chani I really like your renders, they look so good! I also as always, love your designs! I would love to have your opinion on my project on page 29 too! good luck to you
2020-10-21 17:34:26hiii thanks a lot for passing my project, your project is INCERDIBALE I liked every thing in there, specially the way you arranged everything!! keep going!! hope you win in the challenge
2020-10-22 05:46:45Hello ! I loved your room, Nice work on the spacing of the furniture...Good luck :) Pls check my project on page 38, I hope you like it !!!
2020-10-22 08:57:24Muy bonito Chani! Has respectado el tema muy bien! Te voto! Si quieres puedes ver el mio (p.5) mucha suerte!
2020-10-23 13:05:45Wcześniej zarejestrowałeś się za pomocą tych adresów e-mail:
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