Bonita selección de color y distribución. Bien echo.
2020-10-05 15:58:23Thank you Miracle Doggy! I will definitely check out your project!
2020-10-05 16:08:29gracias, palmadita de pasillo! y buen trabajo ganando la semana pasada!
2020-10-05 16:09:33Make sure to check out Miracle Doggy, Erin, and Doggy's projects! They are really good!
2020-10-05 16:53:19Hall Pat I am sorry if that came out wrong I don't speak Spanish too well. ☾
2020-10-05 17:00:07I love the green elements in your design! But the room feels a bit too matchy. And where is the fireplace? Anyway, great layout and furniture choice! Good luck! :)
2020-10-05 19:41:05The fireplace is next to the shelf
2020-10-05 19:57:49What do you mean by matchy?
2020-10-05 20:00:35Hola Izzy existen al menos dos personas haciendose pasar por mi, dejando comentarios ofensivos a otros concursantes bajo mi nombre :/ . Por favor espero que no te tomen por sorpresa dejando algo similar en tus trabajos. Este es mi único perfil.
2020-10-06 02:17:34Really? Well thank you for letting me know. I will keep that in mind.
2020-10-06 14:25:37Hii Izzy! I loveeed the floor, and the seating in front of the windows look really cute too. I would appreciate it if you can check out mine, I'm open to any advice and won't get offended :) (Because I know how bad I am
2020-10-06 15:14:45Thank you for your advice!
2020-10-06 15:17:34I will definitely check yours out!
2020-10-06 15:19:42I hope I can win at least 5th place!
2020-10-07 15:20:36Please no more fart jokes! And also no copy and pasted comments. And I know you are not the real Doggy. You have no projects on your page.
2020-10-08 01:58:40hello izzy moonlight
2020-10-08 12:25:01hi
2020-10-08 14:57:38thx for comenting on my post im gonna make more funny ones that you should definetly check out
2020-10-08 15:41:41Ok :)
2020-10-08 15:59:03Hola Izzy!!! Muchas gracias por tu comentario en mi proyecto!!!! Me encanta tu proyecto y la elección de colores!!!
2020-10-08 17:04:17Gracias!
2020-10-08 17:31:47Hi! I really love your project so much! I REALLY LOVE the sofa area. You are so talented! . . i LOVE the way you arranged the furniture.! AMAZING PROJECT! i already voted for your project! please vote for me on page1! Thanks!:)
2020-10-08 23:30:16Thank you so much! I will definitely check out your project!
2020-10-08 23:44:51That is weird. It says nobody voted for it.
2020-10-08 23:46:25???
2020-10-08 23:46:29Oh, thank you!
2020-10-09 00:39:55Huzaifah shaikh, please no copy and pasted comments though. I want to know what you actually think about my project. :)
2020-10-09 02:19:04Hola! Te dejo mi voto, buena suerte :)
2020-10-09 02:45:56Gracias!
2020-10-09 02:54:44Thank you! I will check out yours!
2020-10-09 16:15:22Voted :) ! Please check out mine on page 18 :)
2020-10-09 18:13:19Ok! Thank you!
2020-10-09 18:18:40Starting now if you see a * on in your comments from me, that means I voted :)
2020-10-10 05:08:17wow wow wow wow wow that's INCERDIBALE!!!! check mine on page 4
2020-10-11 12:18:39I voted you deserve ittt
2020-10-11 12:19:04Thanks that really means a lot!
2020-10-11 14:36:12Thank you for your comment. Your room looks great. I voted for you.
2020-10-11 21:31:32Thank you so much, Potato Chip! (Great Name By The Way)
2020-10-11 22:47:54Wcześniej zarejestrowałeś się za pomocą tych adresów e-mail:
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