Potato chip

Komentarze (27)

Hall Pat

Creo que es un buen trabajo, aún cuando dices que no sabes diseñar me parece que tienes un gran talento. Felicidades por tu diseño es muy agradable, los colores claros son relajantes y el acento que le da la madera lo hace lucir bastante bien. En cuanto a tu distribución es bastante agradable.

2020-08-31 01:27:10
User 13280614

2020-08-31 02:08:06

I love the shelves, and the brightness of the room. https://planner5d.com/contests/works/?page=4

2020-08-31 04:26:35

Hii, i really love it. I love the shelves, all the colors and patterns there. I also love the furniture placement. Please check mine out on page one ^_^

2020-08-31 12:28:18

Very fresh clean and bright! Love it!

2020-08-31 14:31:52
User 12006058

2020-08-31 14:32:52

It's great. I love the shelves, and the chess area. If you want, please visit my design on page 17, and tell me what you think.

2020-08-31 19:44:04

hello my name is bibipro1 and your design is spectacular it's very cool I'm on page 12 if you like vote goodbye

2020-09-01 08:22:07

I really like it.

2020-09-01 14:50:05
Annabeth Chase

I love it!! beautiful, enchanting, elegant, extreme and lovely. I will vote. It is just incredible I love the interior and the exterior it all blends together perfectly!!! I am on page 33. Please vote and leave a nice comment!!

2020-09-02 00:23:41

It's looking very nice and unique design.

2020-09-02 17:05:46

Hi, look at my work.Please vote for me. Thanks.

2020-09-02 18:59:52
Rizki Agustin

Hello, my name is Rizki Agustin. and your design it's very good i am on page 1. if you would like to vote for me, I would appreciate. Goodbye

2020-09-03 11:52:40
Brooklyn Greene

Wow very nice! I really like how the red wood compliments the light living space. I think you did a fantastic job! Keep up the great work

2020-09-03 12:50:11
печенье выпечка

hi potato chip I like your design is if you will like to check out mine it is on page 20

2020-09-03 21:36:07

i like your design!

2020-09-04 00:29:49

I really really love your design! It's so pretty! Please like my design by clicking my name! It's my first challenge! Thanks!

2020-09-04 00:31:08
Hall Pat

Votado :)

2020-09-04 01:04:36

Voted, its amazing

2020-09-04 05:00:03

Voted, amazing!

2020-09-04 06:59:53

Приятные тона, интересный дизайн. Ставлю лайк!)))) Можешь посмотреть и мой проект)

2020-09-04 13:51:32

Посмотрела работы---все спроектированы со вкусом. Буду вас наблюдать и в дальнейшем!)))))))

2020-09-04 13:54:33
Julio Medrano

Muy bonito diseño. Buen trabajo. ¡Felicidades! Cumple con el desafío por los colores claros y el piano. Buen detalle y creatividad con los estantes en la pared. Has tenido más cuidado de colocar las decoraciones por eso se ve genial. He votado por ti por tu buen diseño sin compromiso. Te invito a ver el mío en la pág. N° 21. Le das me gusta, si realmente es de tu agrado, sino deja un comentario que también es de importancia y valioso para mí. Gracias y saludos.

2020-09-04 15:07:51
User 12006058

2020-09-04 16:40:44


2020-09-04 18:08:58
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

woww i loveee it!!!!.... i really like the color scheme and sofas.i already voted for your project. please vote for me on page 2.

2020-09-04 18:38:27
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

plzz vote for me

2020-09-05 00:03:20